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 общи значения на руните

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Последната промяна е направена от зуки* на Сря Фев 04 2015, 09:59; мнението е било променяно общо 1 път
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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: общи значения на руните   общи значения на руните - Page 2 Icon_minitimeСря Ное 06 2013, 08:44

РУНИ - Руните представляват древна система от символи, азбука

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Последната промяна е направена от зуки* на Сря Фев 04 2015, 10:19; мнението е било променяно общо 2 пъти
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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: общи значения на руните   общи значения на руните - Page 2 Icon_minitimeСря Ное 06 2013, 13:23

НЕ ЗНАЯ КАК СЕ РЕДЯТ  ПРАВИЛНО,МАТЕРИАЛИ РАЗНИ НО ЕТО ЕДНО ''ПРАВИЛО'' ЗА ПОДРЕДЕНОСТ НА РУНИТЕ...започват с Урисаз,така като гледам  превод от немски  Uhr-е час,време...

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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: общи значения на руните   общи значения на руните - Page 2 Icon_minitimeПон Ное 11 2013, 13:32

Vztahy podle run

Fehu opětované city, naznačuje dokonce romantické dobytí srdce
Uruz vášeň mužského partnera
Thurisaz radí opatrnost – hrajme na čas
Ansuz pomohla by rada zkušenější osoby
Raido přináší spíš společenství než nesmrtelnou lásku, ale varuje před falešnými přáteli
Kaunaz potvrzuje vřelé přátelství, které může být podnětem pro vášnivější vztah
Gebo slibuje blížící se manželký svazek, dar bohů, vyrovnané partnerství
Wunjo předmět naší lásky a radost z tohoto svazku
Hagalaz runa zvratu, ale všechno trápení může být k dobrému; nepříjemný rozvod může vést k šťastnějšímu druhému sňatku
Nauthiz znamená „brát, co přichází“, potřebujeme vztah, i kdyby neměl být nejlepší
Isa není celkově dobrým znamením a může přinášet ochlazení vztahu až k možnému rozchodu
Jera mohl by naznačovat sňatek, protože je runou právních smluv
Eihwaz varuje před přeceňováním zamilovanosti – buďme rezervovaní
Pertho runa riskantních spekulací a tajemství, naznačuje sexuální soulad
Algiz chrání stávající vztahy a slibuje plodnost nových vztahů
Sowulo varuje před sobectvím, které by mohlo vztah nepříznivě ovlivnit
Teiwaz pro ženy představuje mužského partnera, jeho silné i slabé stránky
Berkana runa plodnosti, vztah bude vzkvétat
Ehwaz vidí nás mezi vztahy, v období změny, kdy můžeme potřebovat pomoc
Mannaz nabádá nás, abychom poznali sami sebe dřív, než budeme schopni poznávat druhé, a tudíž vytvořit dobrý vztah
Laguz význam může sahat od sexuální vášně až k dlouhodobému vztahu, od té doby budeme žít šťastně až do smrti
Inguz runa plodnosti, možná je na obzoru nová láska, nová rodina
Othila může znamenat ukončení vztahu, je runou smrti, nejen fyzické, ale také mentální a citové
Dagaz znamená proměnu, změnu vztahů nebo měnící se vztah

ще го преведа,е с гуглето ще е...

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Female Брой мнения : 5361
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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: общи значения на руните   общи значения на руните - Page 2 Icon_minitimeВто Ное 12 2013, 11:39

1. Fehu

Руната принадлежи на бог Фрейр – бог на плодородието, любовта, свободата и чувствата.
ВОДА: Благоприятно развитие в служебните отношения. Повишен интерес към мистични въпроси.
ЗЕМЯ: Големи успехи. Всички цели ще бъдат постигнати.
ОГЪН: Хармония. (служебни) дълготрайни отношения; сватба.
ВЪЗДУХ: Молитвите и желанията ще бъдат чути, исканията реализирани.

2. Uruz

Руна на вола, символ на неукротимата мощ на добитъка. Отговаря също за непознати влияния.
ВОДА: Неочаквано посещение; новини отдалеч и поради това – неочаквани до сега възможности и успехи.
ЗЕМЯ: Обмисляне; всичко, което би могло да последва необмислени и прибързани решения. Обмисляне на бъдещето.
ОГЪН: Тъгувате по собственото си минало – по вашата твърдост, целеустременост и издържливост.
ВЪЗДУХ: Един неочакван шанс, който не бива да оставите да ви се изплъзне.

3. Thurisaz

Руна на бодила, който защитава красотата. Също – руна на изпитанието и на дребните ежедневни неудобства.
ВОДА: Неблагоприятен период, избягвайте рисковете.
ЗЕМЯ: В действията безусловно необходими са предвидливост и дипломация.
ОГЪН: Бъдете нащрек. Нямвайте доверие в предложените ви транзакции.
ВЪЗДУХ: Можете да започнете да скучаете, въпреки това избягвайте рисковете.

4. Ansuz

Руна на Один в качеството му на Големия ваятел на формата. Също руна на устата и от там –на речта, комуникациите и отношенията.
ВОДА: Хармонията в съвместната работа зависи от бързи решения.
ЗЕМЯ: Решенията имат постижими последствия в бъдеще. Не вземайте решение, без да сте премислили добре.
ОГЪН: Вслушайте се в добри съвети. Работете съвместно с другите.
ВЪЗДУХ: Добри и плодоносни отношения с хора от други възрасти.

5. Raido

Руна на колелото, пътуването, транспорта. Символ на кръговрата на годишните времена, планетарния ход.
ВОДА:Задръжте още малко своите добри карти, препоръчително е да внимавате.
ЗЕМЯ:Неочаквани събития. Не трябва да се оставяте на изкушенията; рисковете идват.
ОГЪН:Упражнете търпението си, не вземайте необмислени решения.
ВЪЗДУХ:Едно несериозно започнало, но важно начинание, ще завърши добре.

6. Kenaz

Символ е факела – за да виждате, но и да плаши дивите животни в нощта. Това е руна на творческите сили.
ВОДА:Отваря се възможност, в живота ви да нахлуят творчество и талант.
ЗЕМЯ:Връщане на жизнените сили. Повратна точка или завъртане в живота ви.
ОГЪН:Много активности; творчески занимания.
ВЪЗДУХ:Помощ от други хора при решаването на проблем.

7. Gebo

Тази руна е символ на целувката; отговаря също за изкуплението, обединяването, щастието и подаръците.
ВОДА:Научете се да приемате помощта на другите.
ЗЕМЯ:Трябва да се напрегнете повече, за да намерите истинското щастие.
ОГЪН:Ще ви се отредят щастие и хармония.
ВЪЗДУХ:Помолете най-близките си за помощ. Не е добро време да сте сам.

8. Wunjo

Представлява щастието и намирането на равновесие в живота.
ВОДА:Ще изпитате голямо задоволство, като помагате на другите.
ЗЕМЯ:Ще постигнете истинско равновесие, ако се задоволите с това, което е в обсега ви.
ОГЪН:Ще ви е от полза да обсъдите проблемите си с приятелите си.
ВЪЗДУХ:Щастието скоро ще ви зарадва.

9. Hagalaz

Съотнася се към зимата – с градушки и дъждове, падащи неочаквано от небето. В такива моменти предците ни са търсели друго обяснение за събитията. И за четирите елемента важи една-единствена интерпретация:
Очаква ви живот с изненадващи събития и преживявания.

10. Naudhiz

Руната е съставена от две пръчки, които се трият една в друга, за да създадат огън. Това е огънят на Нот – необходим понякога за правилното действие.
ВОДА: Приближават проблеми, които вие ще предвидите, ако не пренебрегвате задълженията си.
ЗЕМЯ: Не оставяйте нуждите ви да засенчат разума ви.
ОГЪН: Изпитания за чувството ви за дълг.
ВЪЗДУХ: Ще бъде изпитана способността ви да се налагате.

11. Isa

Ледена руна. В студа, предизвикан от леда, намалява интензитета на растеж на формата и нивото на жизнената енергия – също така бавно се развиват намеренията, а търпението е горчива необходимост.
ВОДА:Забравете спешните нужди и бързи очаквания.
ЗЕМЯ: Трябва да преглътнете едно разочарование.
ОГЪН: Бъдете нащрек, защото сте в опасно положение.
ВЪЗДУХ: Предприемате безотговорни рискове.

12. Jera

Символично, тя отговаря за отделичаване във времето – усилията ви ще се увенчаят с успех след година усърдна работа. Руната означава също край и начало на всички цикли.
ВОДА: Изборът, пред който сте изправен – след дълго време ще добиете представа, как да бъде разрешен.
ЗЕМЯ: Допълнителните, извънредни усилия ще имат нежелани отклонения.
ОГЪН: Скоро усилията ви ще намерят разрешение.
ВЪЗДУХ: В началото ще има големи трудности, възнаграждението ще дойде едва по-късно.

13. Eiwaz

Това е тис – едно вечнозелено, дълголетно дърво. Заедно с това, руната символизира “вечния” живот. Eiwaz, като лепило, прикрепва всичко, което животът ви поднася, без това да зависи от миналото или от очакванията за бъдещето.
ВОДА: Опитайте, да не се оставяте да ви завладеят мрачните ви чувства.
ЗЕМЯ: По всяко време оставайте спокоен и ведър.
ОГЪН: Не затваряйте очи пред проблемите.
ВЪЗДУХ: Приемете мнението на другиго, без да сте зависим от това.

14. Perthro

Това е руна на ограничената гледна точка, ограничените ъгли на възприятие или ограничените опити да се проникне в нещата.
ВОДА: Предстои ви изпитание в областта на вашата дейност.
ЗЕМЯ: Сега е време, в което ще добиете невярна представа какво да разиграете, за да получите удовлетворение.
ОГЪН: Не тъгувайте за информацията, с която не сте разполагали.
ВЪЗДУХ: Ще се внедрите добре в нов кръг/среда.

15. Algiz

Руната наподобява рогата на лоса и затова се асоциира със защитата. Това може да е зцащита на притежание или на съжителстващи в семейството, но също е и руна за намиране на сигурен подслон.
ВОДА: Сега е правилното време, да излезете от защитения си ъгъл.
ЗЕМЯ: Пазете се от манипулациите на другите.
ОГЪН: Сега трябва да правите планове, да сте отворен.
ВЪЗДУХ: Сега е настъпило времето, да видите решение, отнасящо се до вашата сигурност, позиция, място или статут.

16. Sowilo

Това е руна на слънцето, която ви свързва с енергия, лечение, здраве и успех.
ВОДА: Ако сега започнете нещо, ще свърши добре.
ЗЕМЯ: Спокойната ви поза и спокойно държане се отразяват добре на здравето ви.
ОГЪН: Не бъдете буен.
ВЪЗДУХ: Трябва да се опитате да се отпуснете и да привлечете нова енергия.

17. Tiwaz

Това е руна на ненаказващите божествени воини, но също и на безскрупулна целеустременост.
ВОДА: Ще постигнете вашата цел.
ЗЕМЯ: Ако искате да постигнете нещо, ще трябва да разкриете чувствата си.
ОГЪН: Осмелете се да експериментирате – това е благоразумно.
ВЪЗДУХ: Сега е най-благоприятното време да започнете да правите постъпки.

18. Berkana

Това е руна на брадата – символ на раждане и снабдяване. Показва, че растящото се нуждае от грижи.
ВОДА: Важни са дългосрочните развития.
ЗЕМЯ: Не е необходимо да си създавате толкова грижи.
ОГЪН: Важно е да посветите вниманието си на продробностите.
ВЪЗДУХ: Раждане на дете, сватба.

19. Ehwaz

Руната символизира коня и всяко животно, което хората използват, да пътуват. Предсказва промяна или израстване.
ВОДА: Постоянното ви занимание/работа изисква промени.
ЗЕМЯ: Непознато лице се появява на хоризонта и повлиява живота ви.
ОГЪН: Ако се оголите, ще има неблагоприятни последици.
ВЪЗДУХ: Проблемите ще бъда разрешени кратко.

20. Manaz

Руна на хората. Ключовата дума тук е “отношение”. Отговаря за свързванията, съюзите, обвързванията при съвместна работа.
ВОДА: Определени хора ще се опитат да ви противостоят.
ЗЕМЯ: Напрежение, конфликти и неприятелски чувства излизат наяве.
ОГЪН: Една здрава връзка ще се развие в благоприятна посока.
ВЪЗДУХ: Ще се слъскате с препятствия, обърквания, ще се конфронтирате в обичайни разговори.

21. Laguz

Символ на луната, както и на водата и от тук – на неопределеността и неосъзнатото. Често руната отразява сили, които са по-скоро като неясни сенки.
ВОДА: Нямате представа какво наистина се е случило.
ЗЕМЯ: Опитайте да си обясните истинската същност на нещата.
ОГЪН: Ситуацията отива към различна от очакваната развръзка
ВЪЗДУХ: На пръв поглед всичко изглежгда наред, но това не е вярно.

22. Ingwaz

Тази руна принадлежи на боговете на плодородието. Тя е енергията, необходима за промени и нов начин на живот.
ВОДА: Зависими сте от другите за промените
ЗЕМЯ: Ако сега промените своята работа, ще бъде освободена много енергия
ОГЪН: От вашата помощ другите могат да добиет много енергия
ВЪЗДУХ: Не се включвайте задълго в многостранни договори.

23. Dagaz

Отговаря за началото на новия ден. Символизира нови шансове, но има и две полярности.
ВОДА: Време е да се родят нови инициативи.
ЗЕМЯ: Скоро ще ви бъде направено съблазнително предложение. Тогава предприемете нещо.
ОГЪН: Вашето положение е ясно, но една промяна в курса ще ви донесе още повече успех.
ВЪЗДУХ: Активирани са противостоящи сили, не предприемайте нищо.

24. Othala

Тя е символ на притежание; символ е както на свързаност с миналото и предчувствията, така е символ и на защитата нса постигнатото.
ВОДА: Време е да поемете своите рискове.
ЗЕМЯ: Трябва да изразходвате всичките си сили, за да победите трудностите.
ОГЪН: Ще спечелите завършеност.
ВЪЗДУХ: Поделете част от задълженията си с други.

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Поради факта че ме мързи да превеждам, но намерих супер описания на руните, ще ги постна тук на английски език, просто материала е много, а сайта чат-пат се появява и затова смъквам инфомрация докато сайта е жив и го поствам тук:

Ще слагам на пост по руна и нейното описание в кариерата, любовта и общо значение в супер подрбони описания:


Algiz in career

Protection, a shield. The protective urge to shelter oneself or others. Defense, warding off of evil, shield, guardian. Connection with the gods, awakening, higher life. It can be used to channel energies appropriately. Follow your instincts. Keep hold of success or maintain a position won or earned. Algiz Reversed: or Merkstave: Hidden danger, consumption by divine forces, loss of divine link. Taboo, warning, turning away, that which repels.

How many times, we stumped in losing jobs or having to choose the things that we do not like to do just to make a living or for the circumstances so compelling? Algiz has a protective power in our career whether you realized or not in the middle of the course. To follow the divine influence of Algiz in career, we just need to obey and follow the path in front of us, it will turn out to be something that you truly need or love later on. We are sometimes blind to what we are made for. To experience, is to discover the real self. By Algiz’s protection, you could set your worries free and take the trip of random arrangement, because everyting will finally work out all together. It might help you prevent a disaster or lead you to the road that suits you best but never imagined before. If you are in a great job, Algiz reminds you of keeping your ego in check so that you can maintain the balance and the connection witht the higher order, being able to listen to higher calling which will keep your success going.

Algiz in General


Protection, a shield. The protective urge to shelter oneself or others. Defense, warding off of evil, shield, guardian. Connection with the gods, awakening, higher life. It can be used to channel energies appropriately. Follow your instincts. Keep hold of success or maintain a position won or earned. Algiz Reversed: or Merkstave: Hidden danger, consumption by divine forces, loss of divine link. Taboo, warning, turning away, that which repels.

Also called Elhaz) is a powerful rune, because it represents the divine might of the universe. The white elk was a symbol to the Norse of divine blessing and protection to those it graced with sight of itself.

Algiz is the rune of higher vibrations, the divine plan and higher spiritual awareness. The energy of Algiz is what makes something feel sacred as opposed to mundane. It represents the worlds of Asgard (gods of the Aesir), Ljusalfheim (The Light Elves) and Vanaheim (gods of the Vanir), all connecting and sharing energies with our world, Midgard.

This is the RUNE of protection, victory, new opportunities and challenges. Be strong and take control of your emotions. Problems should not be ignored. Inverted: Be aware of your health. Do not assume someone else’s problems.

Algiz in love, signifies protection, a shield. The protective urge to shelter oneself or others. Defense, warding off of evil, shield, guardian. Connection with the gods, awakening, higher life. It can be used to channel energies appropriately. Follow your instincts. Keep hold of success or maintain a position won or earned. Algiz Reversed: or Merkstave: Hidden danger, consumption by divine forces, loss of divine link. Taboo, warning, turning away, that which repels.

In your love readings, Algiz is something that tells you that you are protected by the divine whether the relationship goes forward or moves backward. All is for the greater goodness of your well-being. So going with flow is the message here by Algiz in love. Everybody has instinct or higher self that guide the way in relationship. Sometimes, a pair of lovers suddenly lost track of each other in the heat of relationship, and become silent at the same time. It is something invisiable but traceable in heart, that our higher self is telling us to stop moving forward. Your higher self can protect you from being hurt in love before you can see what will actually happen down the road. Or on the other hand, if you feel like moving forward with a feeling of bliss, it indicates that you are on the right track. Algiz is the protector of your current love situation.

Algiz – Rune Meaning

By Tyriel (Admin) · 31 Comments
... .

“Fear has its place in every heart. Courage is only a response.”

Algiz (or Elhaz) – “Al-jiz” – Literally: “Elk” – Esoteric: Protection, Higher Self

Rune of the essential link or connection with the patterns of divine or archetypal consciousness, such as the Valkyrie. Rune of the possible danger of realizing this link when unprepared.

Psi: divinity, higher self, the state of listening

Energy: protective teaching force, the divine plan, Valkyries

Mundane: protection, safety, spirituality

Divinations: Connection with the gods, awakening, higher life, protection; or hidden danger, consumption by divine forces, loss of the divine link, fear.

Strengthening of hamingja (personal gravity, ‘luck’) and life force through courageous deeds
Mystical and religious communication with non-human sentient beings
Communication with other worlds, especially Asgard
Receiving instruction on the magical potential of the runes
Banishing the fear of death

My notes:

Algiz is the single strongest energy connected with my own existence. It is a protective teaching force that promotes independence and autonomy as well as faith. Courage in the face of fear is central, not the absence of fear, because fear may or may not be a warning to us that protection and defensiveness is necessary. Algiz supplies the insight necessary to make such judgments and stand in true service to Asgard.

The spiritual force, hamingja, generated by Algiz envelops the invoker with so much energy that he or she becomes sacred, set apart and protected by Divine power. The image of the Valkyrie in mythology is fully representative of the way in which the energies of Algiz work to protect you. Meditating on the image of a Valkyrie in her teacher, swan and warrior forms is a powerful method of invoking Algiz energy.

The Valkyrie will not assist in evading punishment for wrong deeds, or illegal or immoral acts. It will act to soften the blow of punishment if the person willingly accepts accountability for the harm cased by his or her acts and begins to take steps to compensate.

Do not mistake the archetypes encountered through use of this rune. Ask them politely of their purpose and to identify themselves. Good entities always will respond favorably to such requests, and mischievous or harmful entities tend to become offended or refrain from answering. Have courage and fortitude, as you will sometimes be tested. These entities come in many forms, so be prepared to open your mind as to allow their unique methods of communication to take place.

Other topics:

Activation of the Higher Self
Perception of the Divine Plan
Knowledge of the Ultimate Good in all things/events
Listening correctly to the Voice of the Universe (as non-human sentient beings ie. Valkyries, gods, giants)
Being tested by such entities and instructed


Alternative Names

Alz, Elhaz, Eolh, Eolh-secg.

Key Phrase

‘Although your path may be fraught with danger, you have the power of protection within you.’


An Elk, the horns or antlers of the elk, ‘elk-sedge’ – a water reed whose blades are sharp.

Viking Rune Equivalent and Meaning

Protection. Defence; the elk.

Divinatory Meaning

Protection, a shield.



Tarot Card Equivalent

The Moon - 18 - XVIII

Corresponding Letter


Associated Colour


Associated Herb


Associated Gemstone


Associated Tree


Associated Myths and Deities

Sacred to Heindall – the Watcher and Gjallerhorn.

Manifestation Uses

To invokeprotection and hunting skills. Can be used to channel energies appropriately. To strengthen power and luck as well as the Life Force.

Relationship Interpretation

Caring and protecting of each other and the relationship.

Healing Colour and Qualities


Algiz can be used to ease the mind; release blockages which cause stress headaches and migraines. Used to strengthen the entire body.


As a talisman, the Algiz rune offers protection and helps build defences.

Algiz Drawn Upright


Protection; sheltering yourself and others, holding onto what has been rightfully earned, the hand signal to ward off evil, temple, sanctuary, aspiration towards the divine, a strong symbol of protection against negative forces or energies, assistance, warning, support, a mentor or teacher; defence.

ALGIZ is ‘Protection’.

Algiz is the fifteenth rune of the set and the seventh rune in the second Aett. It is a rune of protection by an external force.

In Norse mythology, Heimdall’s role is guardian and protector. He is the watcher at the gate who guards the boundaries between the worlds and who charges all those entering and leaving with caution. He is the modern day ‘bouncer’ or security guard. He is best known for his horn, but his sword is just as important as it can be used for either offence or defence, depending upon the situation.

The Algiz rune’s traditional meaning is ‘protection’. It is the rune which comes between us and harms way in the physical world as well as the spiritual. This rune often also represents ‘peace’ and interestingly, today’s ‘Peace’ sign/symbol is the Algiz rune, encircled.

In the physical world, Algiz is a weapon of protection such as a sword, protecting with a sharp edge. In the spiritual world, Algiz represents a faith or belief in the gods or a god and that which is beyond our five physical senses.

Algiz represents the subconscious desire to put up defences against harm.

When Algiz is in play, you may feel the urge to protect and shelter yourself and those you hold close. You may feel a need to follow your instincts, safe in the knowledge that you are protected and secure. You may wish to hibernate or retreat from the world a little. There is no need for fear here as all is how it should be.

The Algiz is a difficult rune to interpret. It suggests that help will come from an unexpected quarter to ward off a threat of some kind.

Algiz offers a connection to the powers in whose hands lie our fate, and encourages us to channel our energies towards the greater good.

Keep hold of success or maintain a position you have won or earned.

When the Algiz rune is drawn, be assured that although your path ahead may be one of obstacles, trepidation and fears, you are well protected from within. You will be safe and secure in your actions and emotions, as long as do not act recklessly or in haste. All moves must be considered and built on firm foundations. Now is not the time to become complacent.

Algiz Drawn Reversed


Hidden danger; loss of divine link; taboo; a warning siren or alarm.

When Algiz appears in a reading merkstave, it is a warning to proceed with caution and to not act rashly or hastily. You may be vulnerable to hostile influences at this time and need to concentrate on building your strength physically, emotionally and spiritually before moving forward.

Reversed, Algiz is a sign that hidden dangers lie ahead. Ill-health may be about to strike. It may also represent a warning to get a second (or third) opinion before proceeding with anything of importance (eg. signing contracts etc).
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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: общи значения на руните   общи значения на руните - Page 2 Icon_minitimeЧет Сеп 04 2014, 14:59


Ansuz in Career


(A: The As, ancestral god, i.e. Odin.) A revealing message or insight, communication. Signals, inspiration, enthusiasm, speech, true vision, power of words and naming. Blessings, the taking of advice. Good health, harmony, truth, wisdom. Ansuz Reversed or Merkstave: Misunderstanding, delusion, manipulation by others, boredom. Vanity and grandiloquence. (Odin is a mighty, but duplicitous god. He always has his own agenda.)

Congratulations if you draw Ansuz in career rune readings when asking about whether a job or work is right for you. It might well be the dream career later on or what you are meant to be by will of God. Ansuz encourages you to keep going ahead in this career to make the best out of it. There are many opportunities and resources in stored for your development. You might meet many important persons who can help you grow to the one you are destined to be. On the other hand, if you are not in a good situation of career, still seeking for your right callings, then, relax, take a deep breath, something really important is in stored for you. You will sooner or later find a right track to start or expand your career life. Ansuz is here to remind you that you are made for a particular cause, follow your heart, and believe in the higher calling that will reach you soon.

Ansuz in General


(A: The As, ancestral god, i.e. Odin.) A revealing message or insight, communication. Signals, inspiration, enthusiasm, speech, true vision, power of words and naming. Blessings, the taking of advice. Good health, harmony, truth, wisdom. Ansuz Reversed or Merkstave: Misunderstanding, delusion, manipulation by others, boredom. Vanity and grandiloquence. (Odin is a mighty, but duplicitous god. He always has his own agenda.)

Ansuz in general is the rune representing wisdom, knowledge, and communication. All in all, it is the rune of the transmission and reception of information. Information that is understandable and usable.

Since he brought mankind great teachings, it is this wisdom that is the key to gaining passage.

Be ready for the unexpected. Changes! Ansuz urges you to explore your deeps as well as to practice your sensibility and power of observation.

Ansuz in Love


(A: The As, ancestral god, i.e. Odin.) A revealing message or insight, communication. Signals, inspiration, enthusiasm, speech, true vision, power of words and naming. Blessings, the taking of advice. Good health, harmony, truth, wisdom. Ansuz Reversed or Merkstave: Misunderstanding, delusion, manipulation by others, boredom. Vanity and grandiloquence. (Odin is a mighty, but duplicitous god. He always has his own agenda.)

Ansuz in love: Marriage is matched by God in Heaven. It is an old saying both in the east and in the west. If you get Ansuz in your love reading, the divine will of God is revealed here. Depending on your questions, it either affirm or deny the answer in your heart. Sometimes, it is a warning of God that you have been sent message many times, and the universe is reminding you to hark the true voice of the divine. It is hard to truly grasp the divine meaning as we know, it is difficult to distinguish between trial and dead end of a love relationship. Ansuz may suggest you to keep your faith in God, and keep praying from your heart to seek for a signal and a clear answer. Your sixth sense will help you achieve this if you can keep still and stop using logic. Instead, being innocent like a blank paper, nothing to think about, try to be visionary and remember your questions only, what you will see is the information and message from the universe, the divine message.

Alternative Names

Ansus; Ansur; Os.

Key Phrase

“Everything that comes to you

comes to teach you.”


Authority figure, a god, a leader, mind and body balance, justice, shaman, clairvoyance, wisdom, receiving a message or insight.

Viking Rune Equivalent and Meaning

Signals. The Norse god Loki; Mouth of a river; mouth from which to speak.



Tarot Card Equivalent

The Magician - 1 - I

Divinatory Meaning

A message. For use for those who wish to study ardently; aids in concentration.

Corresponding Letter


Associated Colour

Dark Blue

Associated Herb

Fly Agaric

Associated Gemstone


Associated Tree


Associated Myths and Deities

The god Odin – god of wind and spirit and the god Loki - the ancient trickster and shape-changer.

Manifestation Uses

For wise decision-making, success, leadership, or to help in divination. It can be used for the acquisition of inspiration, knowledge and understanding; helps with true sight.

Relationship Interpretation

Interpersonal communication. A time to examine communication techniques between partners; a time to be honest in all dealings and be forthright in true emotions and feelings.

Healing Colour and Qualities


Aids healing to the hands and ears.


Helps in divination and in making wise decisions. Also excellent for seeking leadership.

Ansuz Drawn Upright


Communication, a revealing message or insight, wisdom gained and wisdom earned, conscious work, success, leadership, inspired speech, ancestral power, passion, inspiration, enthusiasm, transformation, encouragement, compassion, blessings, source of blessings and joy, the divine breath, the sacred ash – The World Tree, holding fast, protection, guarantee of order.

ANSUZ is the ‘effect of energy.’

The fourth rune of the first aett is Ansuz. This rune represents the instinctive, primal energy of the Uruz rune, tempered with the discipline and experience of Thurisaz. These elements are combined in the personage of Odin, who exhibits the characteristics of both chieftain and shaman; a god of wisdom as well as war. The Ansuz rune is often referred to as the ‘Rune of Odin’, the ‘Rune of the Ash Tree’ or the ‘Rune of Release’. In traditional references it is the ‘god rune’.

In Norse mythology, Odin brought down the wisdom of the runes and conveyed their information for the rest of humanity to learn from. Therefore, the Ansuz rune is often regarded as a rune of ‘communication.’

Ansuz is the rune of inspired speech and incantation as a creative expression. Ansuz shows us the power of speech, which passes along knowledge with the breath of life from generation to generation. It is the passing on of knowledge through the spoken word, rather than the written.

Ansuz also represents conscious work and the bringing in of wisdom gained to the levels of awareness where one can recognise things for what they truly are. There is a certain lack of ‘compassion’ and ‘perspective’ in this rune, as situations and issues are often viewed from a distant standpoint, when this rune is prevalent.

The Ansuz rune tells of increased awareness of what the future holds. Linked to Odin, it is a rune of inspiration, wisdom, aspirations and communication. Promises spiritual renewal and progress, clear vision and good health.

This rune represents power, both secular and spiritual and because of this, lessons must be learned thoroughly thus gaining the wisdom to live life wisely.

Drawn in a reading, the Ansuz rune may be telling you a message of something new unfolding. New beginnings start with new connections and linkages that direct us onto new pathways and new directions. Be aware during meetings, chance encounters, visits and contact with others, particularly those of which you feel are wise or knowledgable. They may hold the key to a query you have and may inspire and propel you forward.

The answers to your questions are already here and you already know them; you just haven’t heard them clearly yet. Look for signals and confirmations which are all around you, all the time. Everything has a special significance. If you learn this truth, you will understand and take heed of the messages around you.

The Ansuz rune drawn in a reading may indicate a need to connect emotionally with the self, others and with all issues at hand, to make the wisest decision and/or choice. Listen to your inner-self and what it is telling you, then move forward with the knowledge and wisdom learned from the experience.

The telling to others of your experiences also facilitates in their learning, giving them the option to learn from your mistakes as well as their own, and by heeding yours, learn from them as well.

Ultimately, by either our action or lack of action, we are responsible for what happens around us, and to us. Anzus is the rune representing our responsibility to ourselves and our world. It is not the action itself, but the result of that action which counts here.

Ansuz, when drawn in a reading, will bring release quickly. This is a release of stress and of blockages preventing one to move from a situation or issue, or the decision to release oneself from a burden.

You may feel trapped or tied down to a situation and feel you are unable to escape and see no resolution. When you put your effort into resolution, the effect of the energy released through the Ansuz rune is freedom; physically, mentally and spiritually. Freedom is only achieved with strong will, determination and the true desire to release the burden. Ansuz shows you the effect of your positive (or negative) action.

Trust that everything that comes to you, comes to teach.

By acknowledging this truth, you will grow in knowledge and wisdom.

Ansuz Drawn Reversed


Manipulation by others, misunderstanding/s, delusion, boredom, vanity, arrogance, aloofness, grandiloquence.

Drawing the Ansuz rune reversed could be showing you that you need to take heed and listen to what others are saying to you, and more importantly, what you are saying to yourself. You may be in a trap where your own lack of conviction can allow others to manipulate you. Watch out for hidden agendas, false or double meanings, and check the fine print.

You may be concerned over what appears to be a lack of clarity with an issue, failed communication or awareness, or a feeling of confusion about a situation. With this may come a sense of futility or wasted effort. This signifies a time for you to clean out the old to usher in the new.

Ansuz drawn reversed denotes that you have not found the answers you seek because you have asked the wrong questions. You must seek your answer in a different way. Look within and all will become clear.

Reversed, Ansuz implies a manipulative and selfish person (or people) will bring misunderstandings in their wake, which may lead to disillusionment.

It also warns to be on guard for expressions of superiority and vanity.

“Find your ears before you search for words.”

Ansuz - “Anne – suhz” – Literally: “Woden” – Esoteric: “Breath” or “Ancestral Sovereign God”

Key Concepts: order, gods, Odin, transmission of intelligence, communication, reason, inspiration, language, breath, sound, origins of language, the Voice of the Universe, spellsong, casting, chanting, ancestors, passing of the breath along the ancestral line, evolution of gods, speech, poetry, discussion of runes, memetics, semiotics, etymology, linguistics.

Psi: mental stability, communion, inspiration, listening

Energy: sovereign ancestral god, animating spirit, breath, communication, exploration, order, answers

Mundane: words, conversation, symbols, elders, music

Divinations: Divine inspiration, word-power, synthesis, transformation, intellect, open paths of communication; or misunderstanding, delusion, manipulation by others, boredom, bad advice

All powers of naming and conceptualization
Convincing and magnetic speech and writing, and the power of suggestion and hypnosis
Acquisition of creative wisdom, inspiration, ecstasy and divine communication
Reason, analysis and good advice
Connecting and networking
Listening to oneself and one’s own particular inner-voice

My Notes:

Odin’s gifts to the first humans is said to be the breath of life and inspired mental activity, along with form, speech and the cognitive senses. The root energy of this rune triggers inspiration and ecstatic mental states. The ability of our minds to work with patterns (which computers for the most part completely lack) is inherent in the energies of Ansuz. Thorsson aptly states that Ansuz is the “rune of ancestral sovereign power of the mind consciousness, inspiration, enthusiasm and the power of the use of symbols for transformation of consciousness.”

The spirit takes up its residence in the human body when the babe breathes its first breath. It leaves the body with the last breath. Breath is the actual point of osmosis between the physical world of the human being, and the transpersonal energy that animates the universe. Emphasis on the breath is seen in meditation practices in all traditions. Inspiration means to breathe in the exalting or quickening influence of cosmic awareness. The breath is also connected to ancestry, as even the word spirit comes from the same root as breath. Our ancestral lines are unbroken with those of the gods still to this day, in blood and in breath.

Ansuz governs our mental capacities to name all things. Whereas THURISAZ deals with chaotic forces, Ansuz is a rune of ordering. Naming a thing properly can give power over that thing, and in ancient traditions, naming has often been used to dispel mischievous spirits, bind demons or break psychological fetters. The relationship also is indicative chaotic events can be used to shape ordered circumstances and one’s own thoughts, or the thoughts of others. Ansuz is suggestive of the relentless patterns that modern chaos theory declares are universal in every system. The newest theories of language are also found in the mysterious order and ‘strange attractors’ of chaos linguistics.

It is here that all speech can be deciphered and understood as well, so Ansuz is a rune connected with listening and speech: communication and meaning in general. Use such skills wisely for manipulation can, through temptation, become an end in and of itself, and corrupt the power of the rune. The problems with propaganda and misdirection are that the mind will follow its own words into confusion and create hypocrisy, which will damage the hamingja. Thought and action are most powerful when aligned and honesty is the best policy.

The rune of secrets, silence and true listening is BERKANO, but there is a type of listening that will allow one to hear the Voice of the universe, and this power lay within the power of Ansuz. The rune of higher reasoning and mental abilities particular to human is MANNAZ. These three runes, used in conjunction are extremely powerful.
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Berkana in Career


(B: Berchta, the birch-goddess.) Birth, general fertility, both mental and physical and personal growth, liberation. Regenerative power and light of spring, renewal, promise of new beginnings, new growth. Arousal of desire. A love affair or new birth. The prospering of an enterprise or venture. Berkano Reversed or Merkstave: Family problems and or domestic troubles. Anxiety about someone close to you. Carelessness, abandon, loss of control. Blurring of consciousness, deceit, sterility, stagnation.

In career, Berkana represents an inspirational new work product after a long time of gestation. It suggests you on start things afresh or from a brand new point of view. The Berkana is a very auspicious rune for starting a company, a new venture or a new endeavor. It promises growth with the new beginning. The seed now will have a great potential in future. It is the right time to step into something that you have never been engaged in. Berkana not only promises prosperous beginning, it also encourages a difficult start after severe hardship or frustration. In the darkest time, there is still hope, that is what Berkana promises to you. The rule of universe: to get bigger dream, you have to empty the old bottle. So be optimistic if you draw Berkana in career reading. Something new and better is on the way.

Berkana in General


(B: Berchta, the birch-goddess.) Birth, general fertility, both mental and physical and personal growth, liberation. Regenerative power and light of spring, renewal, promise of new beginnings, new growth. Arousal of desire. A love affair or new birth. The prospering of an enterprise or venture. Berkano Reversed or Merkstave: Family problems and or domestic troubles. Anxiety about someone close to you. Carelessness, abandon, loss of control. Blurring of consciousness, deceit, sterility, stagnation.

Berkano – “Burr-can-oh” – Literally: “Birch Goddess” – Esoteric: Birth, Sanctuary

Berkana in general, Rune of continued growth and continual rebirth or renewal in all things. The rune of becoming, secrecy, silence, safety, mature wisdom, life changes, shelter, liberation, sanctuary, secrets;

Rebirth in the spirit
Strengthens the power of secrecy
Works of concealment and protection
To contain and hold other powers together
Bringing ideas to fruition in the creative process

Berkana in Love


(B: Berchta, the birch-goddess.) Birth, general fertility, both mental and physical and personal growth, liberation. Regenerative power and light of spring, renewal, promise of new beginnings, new growth. Arousal of desire. A love affair or new birth. The prospering of an enterprise or venture. Berkano Reversed or Merkstave: Family problems and or domestic troubles. Anxiety about someone close to you. Carelessness, abandon, loss of control. Blurring of consciousness, deceit, sterility, stagnation.

Berkana in love: Something new in love is either happening right now or is right around corner! Love is an evolving process with different endings. Berkana in love is a positive sign that something is going for a better direction even though you still do not feel right now. It can also indicates a new born baby is coming soon. But more spiritually, it is the development of consciousness in love, where you or your lover will reach a new page that help enhancing the understanding to each other after many struggles and set-backs. There is something to celebrate, to share with joy.

Alternative Names

Berkano; Beorc; Bairkan; Bjarkan.

Key Phrase

‘Now is the time

to put the knowledge and wisdom

you have learned into practice’.


A Birch Tree

Viking Rune Equivalent and Meaning

Growth. Birch Tree. Re-birth.

Divinatory Meaning

New Beginnings


Collective Force

Tarot Card Equivalent

Judgement - 20 - XX

Corresponding Letter


Associated Colour

Dark Green

Associated Herb

Lady’s Mantle

Associated Gemstone


Associated Tree


Associated Myths and Deities

Freya, Frigg, Hel, Nerthus, Holda, Berchta, Idunna. Sacred to the Earth Goddess.

Manifestation Uses

Healing (particularly infectious wounds), achieving conception, making a new start. Promotes safety and secrecy.

Relationship Interpretation

Fertility, children, parental projection of the self onto the children.

Healing Colour and Qualities


Aides with pregnancy, delivery (birth) and for dis-ease of the womb or uterus. Can also ease the pain of menstruation and related symptoms.


Berkana can be worn to ward off and heal infections. It can also be worn to bring about good harvests and/or to make a fresh start.

Berkana Drawn Upright


Fertility, health, new beginnings, birth, conception, plenty, clearance, nurturing, protection, mental and physical growth, prosperity in an enterprise, youth, vigour, beauty, purification, spring, liberation, regenerative power, renewal, personal growth, brings light, creative abilities.

BERKANA is ‘Rebirth and Feminine Energy’.

The second rune of the third Aett is the rune Berkana. It is the eighteenth rune of twenty-four. It is a ‘birth rune’.

Berkana is the rune of the Birch tree and like the young Birch tree, Berkana has the power to be flexible without breaking. In ancient traditions, Birch twigs were used to bring prosperity and to encourage conception. The branches represent fertility. In European folklore and tradition, Birch twigs were fixed above a sweetheart’s door on May Day, and were placed in stables and houses to promote fertility. Young men, women and cattle were struck with Birch twigs for this same purpose, and young boys would be sent out into the fields and around the town, to ‘beat the bounds of the parish’ with branches of Birch to ensure prosperity in the coming year.

‘Witches’ were said to ride broomsticks made from Birch. This concept originated with fertility rituals where dancers would ‘ride’ brooms though the fields, the height of their jumping indicating how high the grain should grow that coming season.

In Norse mythology, the Berkana rune represents various goddesses simultaneously, including Freya, Frigg, Hel, Nerthus, Holda and Berchta. This Rune is one of femininity and represents the ability to give birth, to be motherly and nurturing as well as the sexuality of the breasts. Berkana is the rune in which we find the embodiment of feminine energy which resides in both males and females, although the qualities are generally looked for in women. It is the rune of ‘Mother Earth,’ the ‘Great Mother,’ or the ‘Earth Goddess.’

Berkana represents the path of the mother, the healer and the midwife, bringing new life after death, just as the Birch puts out the first leaves after winter. Berkana’s ‘wound’ is one of menstruation and her ordeal is that of childbirth. The Birch tree is abundant and all providing and heals through nourishment, cleansing and loving. It was often planted before a house was built, to protect the home and its occupants in Nordic countries.

Berkana also comes to represent burial mounds in which we return to after we die. It is a rune which leads to blossoming and ripening and is concerned with life, death, rebirth and renewal. Berkana’s actions are gentle, yet penetrating and pervasive.

Drawing Berkana in a reading warns you not to wallow in the past and let obstacles and problems hold you back, today. You will be able to receive and appreciate new opportunities and adventures if you find yourself in a place not relevant to your life.

Many doors of opportunity are opening up for you at this time, but you must use discernment and discretion. There is much energy around and this could prove to be a very exciting time. There is great activity and motion. Make the most of it.

Drawing Berkana indicates that this is a time to sow seeds and make plans. Be aware though, not to expect to see instant results and immediate rewards for your efforts, as new ideas and concepts need nurturing, feeding and growth before they are able to bare fruit. Patience and diligence are needed here.

Berkana tells that a meeting will bring romance, arousal and desire, and promises that an enterprise or new venture that has begun will be successful and will bring prosperity.

Drawing Berkana gives one a sense of protection, in a caring and gentle way. With this rune in play growth is unavoidable on all levels including the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Berkana Drawn Reversed


Family problems or domestic troubles, anxiety, carelessness, abandonment, loss of control, deceit, sterility, stagnation.

If the Berkana rune is drawn merkstave, it is an indication that you may have been careless in your actions (or in-actions) and now find yourself in an uncomfortable position. You may feel dismay at failing to take right action or making wise choices. It is your opportunity to look at situations and those involved, then rectify issues.

There is also an indication that you may be suffering with family problems, conflict or turmoil. This can be both immediate family or distant relatives. It can also relate to close friendships and bonds with others. Look to your own actions and emotions first, before seeking to lay blame on others.

Plans, ideas and concepts that you thought were sound, may turn out to be a waste of your time and effort. Do not allow this to discourage you – it is merely indicating that a different concept or angle must be looked at.

“The most obvious Truth is hidden deep within, and only you will ever know it.”

Berkano – “Burr-can-oh” – Literally: “Birch Goddess” – Esoteric: Birth, Sanctuary

Rune of continued growth and continual rebirth or renewal in all things. The rune of becoming.

Psi: secrecy, silence, safety, mature wisdom, dependence

Energy: container/releaser, female fertility, trees and plantlife

Mundane: motherhood, healing, gardening, child raising, the womb

Divinations: Birth, becoming, life changes, shelter, liberation, sanctuary, secrets; or blurring of consciousness, deceit, sterility, stagnation, conspiracy, insecurity

Rebirth in the spirit
Strengthens the power of secrecy
Works of concealment and protection
To contain and hold other powers together
Realization of stillness, the Now-ness of all things
Bringing ideas to fruition in the creative process

My Notes:

Berkano has the energy of a birch grove, and is an hidden sanctuary in times of need. The birch is the first tree to awaken in the spring time, and so Berkano is about the cycle of birth, death and rebirth. Healing of all sorts is strongest through this rune, particularly recuperation, rejuvenation, purification, detoxification and regeneration. Purification & detoxification can be strengthened in combination with LAGUZ.

This is the rune of maternity and represents the ready womb for child-bearing. Also represented here is the the concealment and protection of what is coming into being, in the most mundane sense, pregnancy shelters the baby until it is ready to enter this world. There is no safer place for us, as living things, as the womb. It was a time of secrecy, silence and utter safety and dependence. We knew implicitly that our mothers going to exceptional lengths, doing all they could to protect us, and although we cannot consciously remember this experience, it is still accessible to us through deep meditation and work with Berkano.

Motherhood, the wisdom that comes with maturity and the patience developed by nurturing children are all mental and spiritual strengths emphasized through use of this particular rune. While INGUZ represents the inner-child, Berkano represents the outer-child: the power of dependence, trust and the certainty of love. While connecting with one’s own inner-child may be more in harmony with the domain of INGUZ, the endeavor of seeing the inner-child of all beings, in the outer-world, is a quest undertaken as the understanding of Berkano broadens.

Secrecy with Berkano is not a wicked thing, but a power that can be used to great effect. It is the mastery of silence as a device for listening and protecting. It is a life giving rune, so is best used to assist life, to heal and to protect. It will enhance efforts to give oneself, and others, the time and space they need to grow on their own. The creation of time and space is a magical act done consciously through restraint and silence, even concealment of one’s hand in the affair altogether. This ability is magical, requires great humility and is an enviable feminine power.

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Dagaz in Career


(D: Day or dawn.) Breakthrough, awakening, awareness. Daylight clarity as opposed to nighttime uncertainty. A time to plan or embark upon an enterprise. The power of change directed by your own will, transformation. Hope/happiness, the ideal. Security and certainty. Growth and release. Balance point, the place where opposites meet. Dagaz Merkstave (Dagaz cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): A completion, ending, limit, coming full circle. Blindness, hopelessness.

Dagaz in career, means a milestone of one’s career or a conclusion of one’s career is indicated here depending on the other runes in a career reading. You will soon discover your career path where you must make a choice. Cons and Pros are easy to balance now. Change is in the air of your career life. The clarity is produced by a long process of meditation. But it still requires your own willpower to make it happen. If you are hesitating now for a new venture while your head thinks clearly it as a good chance, you need a determination to manifest the power of Dagaz. Fear might hold you back as sky is still dark before dawn. Only the wisdom of tomorrow will bring you into the career that you have been waiting for.

Dagaz in General


(D: Day or dawn.) Breakthrough, awakening, awareness. Daylight clarity as opposed to nighttime uncertainty. A time to plan or embark upon an enterprise. The power of change directed by your own will, transformation. Hope/happiness, the ideal. Security and certainty. Growth and release. Balance point, the place where opposites meet. Dagaz Merkstave (Dagaz cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): A completion, ending, limit, coming full circle. Blindness, hopelessness.

“Time is an illusion that once realized, is lovingly embraced, none the less.”

Dagaz – “Day-gahz” – Literally: “Day” or Dawn – Esoteric: Awakening
Rune of the hyper-consciousness. The process of concept becoming realized.
paradoxical truth, incommunicable experience, conceptual realization, Enlightenment
Energy: twilight/dawn polarity, non-dual reality, unity, synthesis, transmutation
Mundane: another day, daylight, the inevitability of dawn

Dagaz in General Divinations: Awakening, awareness, hope-happiness, the ideal, paradigm shift; or lack of vision, sleep, blindness, hopelessness, cataclysmic change.

Attaining the mystical moment through penetration of the secret of paradox or non-duality
Reception of mystical inspiration – the gift of Odin.
Disappearance and the act of becoming the invisible
Invisibility as an organizing principle of Higher Consciousness
Synthesis of right-left brain dynamics.
Transformation of one thing into its opposite
Integration of female and male into complete being

Dagaz in Love


(D: Day or dawn.) Breakthrough, awakening, awareness. Daylight clarity as opposed to nighttime uncertainty. A time to plan or embark upon an enterprise. The power of change directed by your own will, transformation. Hope/happiness, the ideal. Security and certainty. Growth and release. Balance point, the place where opposites meet. Dagaz Merkstave (Dagaz cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): A completion, ending, limit, coming full circle. Blindness, hopelessness.

Dagaz in love, Dagaz can be either a turning point for a surviving relationship or an end to close a relationship. It has to be read with surrounding runes in a reading. The moment is intense and will bring relief to the questioner as confusion is the most painful in love relationship. Something hidden will no longer work. A conclusion will be reached as clear and bright as the mid-day. It could also indicates a happy time ahead, but to appreciate the happiness, a warning here is to grasp the essence of love NOW, just like a day, the bright daytime passes quickly and it will goes to the night again without too much delay.

“Time is an illusion that once realized, is lovingly embraced, none the less.”

Dagaz - “Day-gahz” – Literally: “Day” or Dawn – Esoteric: Awakening

Rune of the hyper-consciousness. The process of concept becoming realized.

Psi: paradoxical truth, incommunicable experience, conceptual realization, Enlightenment, satori

Energy: twilight/dawn polarity, non-dual reality, unity, synthesis, transmutation

Mundane: another day, daylight, the inevitability of dawn

Divinations: Awakening, awareness, hope-happiness, the ideal, paradigm shift; or lack of vision, sleep, blindness, hopelessness, cataclysmic change.


Attaining the mystical moment through penetration of the secret of paradox or non-duality
Reception of mystical inspiration – the gift of Odin.
Disappearance and the act of becoming the invisible
Invisibility as an organizing principle of Higher Consciousness
Synthesis of right-left brain dynamics.
Transformation of one thing into its opposite
Integration of female and male into complete being

My Notes:

Dagaz is the counterpart to the rune Jera. Both refer to time, Jera on an annual cycle and Dagaz on a daily cycle. Both are runes of change – Jera is a rune of gentle change, Dagaz is a rune of bold change, for example, the burst of light at the moment of illumination. It contains within its energies the experience called ‘satori’, a spiritual awakening experience common in all cultures.

Archaeological evidence proves that Dagaz has been used as a symbol of Light for more than four thousand years. It is the rune of hyper-consciousness. Achievement of this state of mind SEEMS to be a relatively rare occurrence in human life at this stage of evolution. When chronicled, it marks the beginnings of the mission of a World Savior on Earth.

Much has been written on the psychology and metaphysics of uniting left and right brain functions. Dagaz holds dominion over this union and is a tool that gives you great potency for present awareness and future growth. It is reminiscent of the lemniscate, the symbol of infinity, and the moebius strip, timelessness and illimitable potential, as well as an overturned hourglass.

The ‘point of poise’ entails balancing polarities so that all mystery is revealed to consciousness. The transformation of paradox into non-dual awareness occurs with Dagaz energies. It is to find the center between two extremes and maintaining a state of mind undisturbed by any mental or emotional storm. At the center, all power is to be found and equilibrium is a desirable attainment. This practice eventually leads to the practitioner no longer requiring a single right or wrong answer to the mysteries and many truths can exist complimentary to one another. No one single belief or viewpoint is sufficient and so all beliefs and viewpoints can be progressively abandoned. In the stillness and silent questioning of the mind that is left behind, all truth resounds.

Dagaz can be used to gain absolute stillness. It is invisible transforming power. The vibrational patterns of the self, or an object can be dampened so that the perception of material things to the human eye grow faint. Finding this point of poise takes great skill and practice with Dagaz but mastery of this rune of enlightenment leads down the path of disappearance. Mastery of invisibility leads to the understanding of existence through its opposite: non-existence.

An interesting thing to keep in mind is that the futhark has no rune for the night or for the moon. These are absences, not things. Darkness is not darkness, it is a quality of the light. The sun is always ‘there’, it is our world that spins around and causes the illusion that it is not. As well, the light of the moon is a reflection of the sun’s light. There is little reason to think that the ancients were not aware of this, even mathematically. “Darkness is not darkness” is a wonderful saying to meditate upon, and will reveal to the seeker that there is no true opposites as we are often convinced of, but only polarities within the supreme mystery of existence.

Alternative Names

Daeg; Dags; Dag; Daeg; Dogr.

Key Phrase

‘If you stay true to yourself

only good things will come your way.’


Day (daylight)

Viking Rune Equivalent

Breakthrough. Day. Prosperity and abundance.



Tarot Card Equivalent

Death - 13 - VIII

Divinatory Meaning

The Light

Corresponding Letter


Associated Colour

Light Blue

Associated Herb

Clary Sage

Associated Gemstone


Associated Tree


Associated Myths and Deities

Sunna, Baldr, Nerthus, Yggdrasil. Sacred to Heimdall – the Watcher.

Relationship Interpretation

Contributions by one partner to the other’s spiritual or psychological welfare.

Healing Colour and Qualities


Fever and head complaints; mental fatigue and exhaustion. Can also be used to clear toxins from the body.


Worn as a talisman, Dagaz brings a positive outcome to any situation that is of concern.

Dagaz Drawn Upright


Happiness, success, fulfilling lifestyle, day, daylight, light, the light that brings hope and happiness, the door of the year, divine light, balance between light and darkness, the right time to plan and embark on an enterprise, midday, mid-summer, prosperity, satisfaction, positive activity, light, hope, good fortune, breakthrough, awakening, awareness, power of positive will, transformation, security, certainty, growth, release, balance, good health, strength, joy, the place where opposites meet.

DAGAZ is ‘Balance’

Dagaz is eighth of the third Aett and the twenty-fourth and final Rune of the Elderfuthark alphabet. Dagaz can mean day time; the time that divides the darkness, aswell as the twenty-four hour period known as a full day.

The Norse counted their days from evening to evening, with the mid-point being dawn with the rising of the sun. The Norse were primarily hunters, farmers and fisherman, and these tasks were predominantly accomplished during the part of the day when the sun shone. Daytime is the time you use to get daily tasks done. It is the time you give yourself to accomplish your goals and objectives. It is the scheduled or allotted amount of hours or minutes you allow for work. In today’s society though, with electricity and the like, people are able to work at any hour appropriate to them (eg. shift work), which gives the day a further scope to use its full 24 hour period.

Dagaz also symbolises the contrasts between darkness and light and is a rune of paradox as well as one of awakening, and metaphorically, of rebirth.

Dagaz is the balancing of opposites. It is the counter-balance which compliments rather than contradicts. It is a rune of clear vision and enlightenment. It represents time and space and the weaving of the Web of Wyrd.

The Dagaz rune also represents the connection of the four elements and the connection with the celestial and natural realms. Dagaz brings together the six cardinal points: the four compass directions, the celestial (or Heavenly) realm above, and that which is below; being all the spirits of the earth and of nature. All of these are integrated and balanced with the Dagaz rune, and brought into our daily lives.

When drawn in a reading Dagaz is informing you that the light shines on the path before you, guiding you. As long as you remain true to yourself, only good fortune can come your way. You are well protected by the power of the light, and are able to draw upon its strength, aswell as your own. Dagaz will also give you clear vision. You will be able to see pitfalls and hurdles before they enter your life. This will bring you an added insight as to your true destiny.

Drawing Dagaz often indicates a time to plan or embark on a new journey or enterprise. It often signifies that prosperity and abundance is within your reach and may well be on its way to you right now. Dagaz is telling you that the darkness is behind you, and you are to forge ahead, bathed in the light of the sun. Dagaz often signals a shift, breakthrough or move of some kind.

Dagaz suggests the dawning of a breakthrough, awareness and awakening. It promised that clarity will light up life, and says that now is the time to embark on a new enterprise. Using one’s will can bring about desired change, and talks of security and certainty, growth and release.

Because the timing is right, as indicated by the drawing of Dagaz, rest assured that the outcome will be positive.

Dagaz Drawn Reversed


Dagaz cannot be drawn reversed but can lay in opposition. Lack of hope, disparity, ill fortune, darkness, confusion, uncertainty, lack of personal conviction, loss of faith, sorrow, disheartenment, ignorance, lack of harmony and balance, endings, limits, hopelessness.

Drawing Dagaz reversed warns you not to become complacent or too egotistical. It is a message for you to pull back and reassess yourself, your attitudes and what you are doing or not doing, with your life.

Dagaz reversed presages completion and ending.
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Почетен ветеран
Почетен ветеран

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Ehwaz in Career


(E: Horse, two horses.) Transportation. May represent a horse, car, plane, boat or other vehicle. Movement and change for the better. Gradual development and steady progress are indicated. Harmony, teamwork, trust, loyalty. An ideal marriage or partnership. Confirmation beyond doubt the meanings of the runes around it. Ehwaz Reversed or Merkstave: This is not really a negative rune. A change is perhaps craved. Feeling restless or confined in a situation. Reckless haste, disharmony, mistrust, betrayal.

Ehwaz in career is an affirmation that you are right on track in your career at this moment. You are progressing toward your high callings, and should keep moving forward. Movement is the key in Ehwaz. It can also mean that travel waits for you in near future. You might be moving to a new place for career development or your career involves a lot of travel. Trust yourself, the drive and motion is high and the maintenance of that energy is required for further progress and development. Even if you encounter obstacles, it suggests you on keeping efforts to reach the success.

Ehwaz in General


(E: Horse, two horses.) Transportation. May represent a horse, car, plane, boat or other vehicle. Movement and change for the better. Gradual development and steady progress are indicated. Harmony, teamwork, trust, loyalty. An ideal marriage or partnership. Confirmation beyond doubt the meanings of the runes around it. Ehwaz Reversed or Merkstave: This is not really a negative rune. A change is perhaps craved. Feeling restless or confined in a situation. Reckless haste, disharmony, mistrust, betrayal.

Ehwaz – “eh-was” – Literally: “Horse” – Esoteric: Trust
Energy: trust, cooperation, the Fetch
Divinations: Harmony, teamwork, trust, marriage, loyalty, a friend; or duplication

Ehwaz in general symbolizes all the various bodies as vehicles for travel and movement. Twins represent the Sacred Marriage of the Inner and the Outer, or mind and body. The horse and rider metaphor is the best way to represent the symbiotic relationship between two individualized, yet harmonious beings. Anyone who has had the least exposure to the value of a horse to a person, family or clan would understand the esoteric code hidden within Ehwaz.

Ehwaz in Love


(E: Horse, two horses.) Transportation. May represent a horse, car, plane, boat or other vehicle. Movement and change for the better. Gradual development and steady progress are indicated. Harmony, teamwork, trust, loyalty. An ideal marriage or partnership. Confirmation beyond doubt the meanings of the runes around it. Ehwaz Reversed or Merkstave: This is not really a negative rune. A change is perhaps craved. Feeling restless or confined in a situation. Reckless haste, disharmony, mistrust, betrayal.

You are on the right track of love when you draw Ehwaz in love rune reading. It can mean the loved one will travel to meet you in future. Or you will travel to see the loved one. As symbolized by horse, this rune also stress the unity between the two, as one riding on the horse. It portends progress in love. Travel is an important clue in your reading, depending on your circumstances, it can be interpreted in different meanings about travel. In spiritual term, it suggests a journey of soul to the other soul, a deeper communications. In modern ear, the movement can take place in many forms, emails, calls, facebook, twitter, etc. You might receive news from the distant.

“The mind will trust the body, the body will trust the mind.”

Ehwaz - “eh-was” – Literally: “Horse” – Esoteric: Trust

Rune of harmonious teamwork and trust. Rune of pairs of entities working together for a common goal.

Psi: trust between individual entities, sexuality

Energy: trust, cooperation, the Fetch

Mundane: animals, teamwork, friendship

Divinations: Harmony, teamwork, trust, marriage, loyalty, a friend; or duplication, disharmony, mistrust, betrayal, nightmares, indecision, an enemy.


Activating the energies of your inner Fetch
Ability to detect deceit and uncover subtle queues
Facilitates swiftness in every regard
Establishing trust and bonds with animals (ie. horse whisperers)

My Notes:

Ehwaz symbolizes all the various bodies as vehicles for travel and movement. Twins represent the Sacred Marriage of the Inner and the Outer, or mind and body. The horse and rider metaphor is the best way to represent the symbiotic relationship between two individualized, yet harmonious beings. Anyone who has had the least exposure to the value of a horse to a person, family or clan would understand the esoteric code hidden within Ehwaz.

Ehwaz is not force, but persuasion, suggestion and co-operation. Control issues that birth questions such as ‘who is the boss?’ are settled and accepted with assistance of this rune. Making the best of a situation, making the necessary adjustments to a relationship and the finding of means are frequent activities that focus on Ehwaz can assist. In every way it represents flexibility, adaptability, pragmatism. It is the activation and use of instinct, using gut over the analysis or reasoning of MANNAZ or ANSUZ.

The loyalty, trust and dependence build between two partners with each passing day forms a web of emotional and spiritual one-on-one connections which becomes highly resilient as time goes on. Genuine friendship develops, for it’s own sake, the kind of bond we die for. It is the combination of emotional energies with the intellectual spark to produce harmonious partnership represents the friendship with parents blossoming upon adulthood.

Ehwaz is particularly relevant to the energies which bond man and woman together in lawful marriage. Its energies can unify two people in a strong cooperative relationship and attract the right persons for partnership in work, business, teams or service.

Ehwaz is the rune of the psycho-spiritual construct called the Fetch. Your Fetch is the opposite gender as you, inactive in the material plane but still quite accessible within your spirit. Activating the Fetch can assist you in attracting to yourself the right partner as your life mate. It will also refresh an existing marriage or committed relationship by re-energizing the two conscious minds of the partners in the coupling.

Most people do not realize that the answer to the great mysteries of the opposite sex are found within their own mental make-up when a communication link is established between oneself and one’s Fetch. One might imagine the Fetch, in modern terms, as the dormant DNA which is still active on a psychic level, though the physical manifestation has already chosen and developed its gender. Likewise, we are able to create an emotional understanding with any other human being, because within ourselves, we find the Other.

Other topics:

Learning of ourselves through others.

Alternative Names

Eoh; Aihwas; Eh; Ior.

Key Phrase

‘Always be as loyal and supportive

to those around you, as they are to you.’


A Horse or Horses, transportation.

Viking Rune Equivalent

Movement. Horse.

Divinatory Meaning




Tarot Card Equivalent

The Chariot - 7 - III

Corresponding Letter


Associated Colour


Associated Herb


Associated Gemstone

Iceland Spar

Associated Tree

Oak or Ash

Associated Myths and Deities

Sleipnir; Freya’s feathered cloak. Sacred to Frey.

Manifestation Uses

An aid to communication, transportation, to send a wish or ‘spell.’ To obtain hidden knowledge.

Relationship Interpretation

Brings harmony to relationships; partnerships; joint efforts; sexuality between partners.

Healing Colour and Qualities


Awakens the inner mind. Aids the healing of abdominal pain or dis-ease as well as the sexual organs. Good to ease menstruation symptoms.


The Ehwaz rune can be worn as a talisman to bring power, for clear communication purposes, and it brings clarity in divination.

Ehwaz Drawn Upright


All forms of transportation, horse, power, force, purpose, the need to acquire, strength, will, determination, motion, summer sun, assistance, long-living, stands hard and fast, energy, communication, movement and change for the positive, steady progress, harmony, regeneration and rebirth, teamwork, trust, loyalty, emotional responses, adaptability, a message from the gods, stats, pride, joy, clear confirmation of the signs around it, a comfort to the restless.

EHWAZ is ‘Energy and Motion.’

Ehwaz is the third rune in the third Aett and the nineteen rune of the Elderfuthark alphabet. The Ehwaz rune symbolises inner strength and fortitude. It is a rune of strength, will and determination to perform one’s duties diligently. Ehwaz represents energy and motion and the force and power by which to achieve.

Specifically, this is the rune of the Horse, or Horses. The Ehwaz rune represents ‘horse power’ and the ability to work hard and carry heavy loads.

The horse has been a powerful symbol in every culture, in every age. In Norse mythology, it is believed that the Sun is drawn through the sky by horses. Their relationship with humans is unique in that they have the ability and intelligence to be companions as well as workers. The horse allows us to perform tasks that would normally be beyond our strength, and to travel long distances that would normally be beyond our reach. Horses are known to be strong, swift, loyal and courageous and are one of the most spiritual amongst the animal kingdom. The horse is an animal that never lost its power by being domesticated.

In respect to the Ehwaz rune’s connection with the horse, it is not an impersonal energy source, but rather a living, breathing being whose needs and desires must be taken into consideration, rather than to be simply used as a tool or slave. This rune reminds us to only use the horse for its help and never to harm it. The horse is to be respected and cared for, rather than used and neglected.

Within the Ehwaz rune we see a duality. Ehwaz comes to represent the duality of man and his ability to deal with his world. It sees one making choices; weighing up options before proceeding. Ehwaz symbolises masculine and feminine qualities and energies and encourages one to use both sides of their personality, both male and female, masculine and feminine. Ehwaz is finding balance.

The stallion and mare aspect come into play within the interpretation of Ehwaz. The stallion is headstrong and virile and is the epitome of raw energy. He looks to face the world head-on and on his own terms. The stallion is a powerful tool, but must be carefully controlled and maintained to avoid harming it, yourself and/or others. Balance must be achieved to harness the power of the stallion and use it wisely.

The mare symbolises fertility, femininity and the intuitive instincts. She is a creature that works with others and often looks for guidance before acting. Ehwaz is telling us that sometimes we must lead – but to be a good leader, we must know how and when to follow.

Drawing Ehwaz in a reading may indicate that you need to make new connections. Doing this will draw the energies towards you that will help you to overcome all obstacles before you. Ehwaz’s advice is to seek out those who share your views, attitudes and lifestyle.

Remember that each person who comes into your life, for however long, comes to teach you lessons and vice versa.

Ehwaz indicates that you have the strength and support to be able to make quick progress on your path, but this depends upon you being loyal, supportive and true to those around you. In return, you can expect those traits to be reciprocated.

Ehwaz is telling you to always be proud of your achievements, whilst remaining humble. This will ensure that your travels will be swift, positive and rewarding.

Drawing the Ehwaz rune can indicate a ‘bonding’, a partnership, a marriage or betrothal or a melding of ideas and concepts.

Ehwz represents co-operation and adjustments and tells you that with team effort, strength, will-power and determination, you will achieve all goals set forth, with ease.

Transportation is indicated when Ehwaz appears. It heralds change for the better brought about by gradual development and steady progress. Ehwaz promises harmony and teamwork, trust and loyalty.

If a marriage is in the offing when Ehwaz appears, it will be an ideal match.

When Ehwaz is drawn in a reading, take note of the runes surrounding it. Ehwaz is confirmation of the messages of the other runes.

The strongest message of the Ehwaz rune is ‘what is yours will come to you.’

Ehwaz Drawn Reversed


Recklessness, haste, disharmony, mistrust, death, betrayal, lies and deceit, feeling confined in a situation.

Drawing the Ehwaz rune in reverse or merkstave is indicating that you need to learn to go with the flow of life. There is a need to initiate some movement and action into many areas of your life. If you do not attend to this, you will become stagnant and stale and will not fulfil your goals and aspirations. You need to take action promptly. You may find that a few simple changes may bring about wonderful, positive changes and effects.

Reversed, Ehwaz suggests a craving for a change of some sort. A restlessness or being confined in a situation not of your own making may be implied with Ehwaz reversed. It can also presage reckless hast, disharmony, mistrust and betrayal.
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Почетен ветеран
Почетен ветеран

Female Capricorn Брой мнения : 2344
Join date : 03.09.2014
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Eihwaz in Career


(EI: Yew tree.) Strength, reliability, dependability, trustworthiness. Enlightenment, endurance. Defense, protection. The driving force to acquire, providing motivation and a sense of purpose. Indicates that you have set your sights on a reasonable target and can achieve your goals. An honest man who can be relied upon. Eihwaz Reversed or Merkstave: Confusion, destruction, dissatisfaction, weakness. It means things will turn out fine, no matter how difficult they are. The obstacles are instruments to test your patience. Hold your anxiety.

With Eihwaz in career reading, it is not a time to change your career. You have to endure the current difficulties in order to move on to the next stage. Keep still and complete what you have started, although there could be no reward at this moment, things are going to change for better if you persevere. Flexibility and global thinking will help you take advantage of this hardship and turn it into the step stone for the final victory. This is a rune of endurance. No matter how hard it is to keep going, to stay positive is to win. Otherwise, all will be lost. For the current moment, you mantra is not to push, an accepting mind with faith in tomorrow is the key to overcome the most thorny issues you might face in your career.

Eihwaz in General


(EI: Yew tree.) Strength, reliability, dependability, trustworthiness. Enlightenment, endurance. Defense, protection. The driving force to acquire, providing motivation and a sense of purpose. Indicates that you have set your sights on a reasonable target and can achieve your goals. An honest man who can be relied upon. Eihwaz Reversed or Merkstave: Confusion, destruction, dissatisfaction, weakness. It means things will turn out fine, no matter how difficult they are. The obstacles are instruments to test your patience. Hold your anxiety.

Ihwaz (also: eihwaz) – “Yew-was” – Literally: “Yew” – Esoteric: Yggdrasil or Kundalini
“The axis or process of spiritual becoming.” Upper and lower worlds meeting in Midgard (earth). Rune of the mysteries of life and death.

Energy: axis of heaven-earth-hel, secrecy, encoding, immortality, the chakra system
Mundane: longevity, initiations, trees
Divinations: movement toward Enlightenment, endurance, initiation, protection;


Initiation into the wisdom of the World Tree and chakras
Liberation from the fear of death.

Development of spiritual endurance and hard will to gain initiative

Spiritual vision
Communication between levels of reality – the Worlds or Yggdrasil

Eihwaz in Love


(EI: Yew tree.) Strength, reliability, dependability, trustworthiness. Enlightenment, endurance. Defense, protection. The driving force to acquire, providing motivation and a sense of purpose. Indicates that you have set your sights on a reasonable target and can achieve your goals. An honest man who can be relied upon. Eihwaz Reversed or Merkstave: Confusion, destruction, dissatisfaction, weakness. It means things will turn out fine, no matter how difficult they are. The obstacles are instruments to test your patience. Hold your anxiety.

Like Hanged Man in Tarot, Eihwaz in love is a set-back rune that needs sacrifice, patience, endurance in order to see things through. However, it does not mean the end in itself. A severe trial that tests the strength of love is indicated here in Eihwaz. Painful but hopeful, love brings mixed emotions together. The circumstances are helpless and beyond your control for the moment. But not all is lost. Like hibernating in winter, the love trial is preparing for more abundance in coming spring. Employing a holistic view is helpful here. Through lots of zigs and zags, the final destination of love is promising as long as you can stand for the current moment of hardship.

“The path is hard and lonely and there is no end to sight.”

Ihwaz (also: eihwaz) – “Yew-was” – Literally: “Yew” – Esoteric: Yggdrasil or Kundalini

“The axis or process of spiritual becoming.” Upper and lower worlds meeting in Midgard (earth). Rune of the mysteries of life and death.

Psi: death mysteries, the timeless, kundalini,

Energy: axis of heaven-earth-hel, secrecy, encoding, immortality, the chakra system (hvel)

Mundane: longevity, initiations, trees

Divinations: movement toward Enlightenment, endurance, initiation, protection; or confusion, destruction, dissatisfaction, weakness, death

Initiation into the wisdom of the World Tree (Yggdrasil) and hvel (chakras)
Liberation from the fear of death.
Development of spiritual endurance and hard will to gain initiative
Spiritual vision
Communication between levels of reality – the Worlds or Yggdrasil

My Notes:

Eihwaz begins the second half of the 24 rune Futhark and represents the vertical axis, whereas Jera represents the horizontal. It is also indicative of the verticality and energy of the human spine. The spine (the pelvic region not included) has 24 vertebrae, which I do not believe is a coincidence in the case of the elder futhark.

The spine is the channel for one of the most powerful energy flows in the human psyche, which Yoga has termed Kundalini ‘fire’. It is the flow of megin energy up from the root hvel (chakra) to the crown hvel in the mind, bringing cosmic consciousness. Attempting to awaken Kundalini fire too early in your training can cause serious harm.

The needle of the yew is poisonous, containing a toxin that affects the central nervous system. The vapors from the toxin can become concentrated in close proximity to the tree. As a conifer/’evergreen’, it is associated with immortality, and the mysteries of life and death. Death is understood as the Great Initiation into the mysteries of life. To die before you die is to discover what in life is truly important. In psychology, this often happens as a result of near-death experiences.

The fear of physical death is one of the great inhibitors of humankind’s potential for total freedom of mind and spirit. Eihwaz gives you the power to recall your past lives, in short fragments or in more complete segments, and as a result confirm your death in this life as only one stage of a greater journey. Invoke Eihwaz as you conduct a meditation or dream exercise for the purpose of discovering past life patterns in the present. The answers lay not in memory, but in the clues of your here and now.

Eihwaz can be invoked for communication with the underworld and the dead. It is wisest to remain within your own ancestral stream when doing this, as your ancestors have reason to respond to your inner call. There should be sufficient reason to invoke such dark workings, but it is not an ‘evil’ exercise.

Alternative Names

Eoh, Iwaz, Eow, Ihwar.

Key Phrase

‘By embracing change

you will make quick progress on your path.’


The Yew Tree (Yggdrasil), Nature’s Immortality, death, defence.

The gate to the Underworld.

Viking Rune Equivalent and Meaning

Defence. Yggdrasil the Yew Tree – The Tree of Life.



Tarot Card Equivalent

9 of Wands - 9 - IX

Divinatory Meaning

Transformation, change, initiation, confrontation of fears, death, assertive powers.

Corresponding Letter


Associated Colour

Dark Blue

Associated Herb


Associated Gemstone


Associated Tree

The Yew tree

Associated Myths and Deities

Hel, Yggdrasil.

Manifestation Uses

To bring about profound change, to ease a life/death transition. Assertiveness. To increase personal power, defence and protection.

Relationship Interpretation

Expectations within the relationship between partners; idealism.

Healing Colour and Qualities


To bring about growth and change within. To ease pain and suffering. To clear a foggy mind. For depression, melancholy and to decrease an enlargement of the lymph nodes.


As a Talisman, Eihwaz can worn to bring about huge changes or shows the way around huge difficulties.

Eihwaz Drawn Upright


Change, initiation, confrontation of inner and outer fears, force, purpose, need to acquire, regeneration and rebirth, winter, death, transformation, turning point, strength, reliability, dependability, trustworthiness, enlightenment, endurance. The gate to the Underworld.

EIHWAZ is ‘the source of all life’.

The Rune Eihwaz is the sixth rune of the second Aett and the thirteenth, marking the middle, in the Elderfuthark alphabet.

Eihwaz represents the pinnacle to which all things revolve and spin out of. It is the mystery or the power of life. It is the death that renews and brings new life. It represents cycles and is a rune of wisdom and communication.

The Eihwaz rune represents a turning point in the runic journey and indicates the transformational phase of the initiatory process.

In all cultures, including that of the ancient Norse, all rites of passage, particularly those marking the transition into adulthood, contain the symbolism of ‘death’; the idea being that one’s former ‘self’ has died and given birth to a new persona. The Eihwaz Rune represents the passage through which we must enter in order to gain the knowledge and acceptance of our own mortality. Eihwaz symbolises the physical manifestation within time.

Traditionally, the Eihwaz rune represents the Yew tree. There is much association of the Yew tree and the ancient Norse, principally derived from the fact that Yews are evergreens which retain their greenery even through the coldest of winters, and because their red berries are seen as symbolic of the ‘Blood of Life.’

The yew tree is a powerful stave of protection and banishing, not only because of its association with the forces of life and death, but because of its association with the bow and arrow made of yew wood, which was common to the folk of the Norse.

Reverence for the Yew tree dates back to before the times of the Celts and beyond. Yggdrasil, the World Tree or the Tree of Life, is a Yew tree. Eihwaz represents Yggdrasil. In Norse mythology and cosmology Yggdrasil is the axis about which all else revolves and spins out of. Yggdrasil contains the mystery of life and death and is the life-giving force which has its roots in the Underworld and death.

The Eihwaz rune is one of wisdom and can be used to evoke the mysteries of Yggdrasil. Yggdrasil’s symbology and meanings are vast and complex.

The Eihwaz rune provides protection to the seeker and can help increase personal power and defence. It also suggests communication between different worlds, different layers of reality and different realms.

When Eihwaz is drawn in a reading it is a message to be strong and clear in your intentions, then follow through with them to the end.

Eihwaz shows that this is a time for transformations on many levels. It is a time to flow with the changes rather than resist them as the timing is right for goals and aspirations to come flowing abundantly. To resist is to stagnate. Eihwaz is giving you the driving force to acquire your desires and provides motivation and a sense of purpose. It indicates that you have set your sights on a reasonable target and can achieve your goals with ease.

The strong message with Eihwaz is to move forward through fear and doubt. If you remain true to yourself and keep to your own path, you will soon find yourself basking in new enlightenments.

When Eihwaz is drawn in a reading, be aware of what it is you are aspiring towards or are aiming at in your life. Now may be the time to put plans into action. Perseverance and foresight are called for when Eihwaz is drawn though. Avert anticipated difficulties through thought and right action. It is a time to deal with things at hand, rather than put them off until they resurface at a later date.

Eihwaz Drawn Reversed


Confusion, dissatisfaction, weakness, destruction.

Do not allow fears to stop you from fulfilling your destiny. These fears may have festered within you and have sabotaged past attempts to achieve your goals. There may be many and varied reasons for not achieving your goals; many of which are fear based. Now is the time to push through these fears.

Laying Merkstave, Eihwaz warns of confusion and destruction and an inability to get round something that is blocking the way.
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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: общи значения на руните   общи значения на руните - Page 2 Icon_minitimeПон Сеп 15 2014, 13:34


Fehu in Career


(F: Domestic cattle, wealth.) Possessions won or earned, earned income, luck. Abundance, financial strength in the present or near future. Sign of hope and plenty, success and happiness. Social success. Energy, foresight, fertility, creation/destruction (becoming). Fehu Reversed or Merkstave: Loss of personal property, esteem, or something that you put in effort to keep. It indicates some sort of failure. Greed, burnout, atrophy, discord. Cowardice, stupidity, dullness, poverty, slavery, bondage.

Fehu in career is a rune of money and personal assets. In your career reading, it denotes abundance that you are embracing now or will embrace in near future. Your current undertakings in career has a promising financial potential. It promises social success as well as boundless energy available for you in your career life. It inspires creative thoughts that can achieve material wealth by a surprising construction. Fertility in good ideas is also indicated for your business and career. Dare to dream! Abundance is yours to share and act on.

Fehu in General


(F: Domestic cattle, wealth.) Possessions won or earned, earned income, luck. Abundance, financial strength in the present or near future. Sign of hope and plenty, success and happiness. Social success. Energy, foresight, fertility, creation/destruction (becoming). Fehu Reversed or Merkstave: Loss of personal property, esteem, or something that you put in effort to keep. It indicates some sort of failure. Greed, burnout, atrophy, discord. Cowardice, stupidity, dullness, poverty, slavery, bondage.

Fehu in general means Great luck: wealth, goals and love to come true. This is a conquest and not a present. Share your luck! Inverted: You may lose all you have conquered so far. Learn the stones’ lesson: beware of people around you.

Fehu in Love


(F: Domestic cattle, wealth.) Possessions won or earned, earned income, luck. Abundance, financial strength in the present or near future. Sign of hope and plenty, success and happiness. Social success. Energy, foresight, fertility, creation/destruction (becoming). Fehu Reversed or Merkstave: Loss of personal property, esteem, or something that you put in effort to keep. It indicates some sort of failure. Greed, burnout, atrophy, discord. Cowardice, stupidity, dullness, poverty, slavery, bondage.

Feihu in love means a good material luck associated with love. You could meet someone of great wealth or who would bring wealth to your life through a loving relationship. You may be inspired by this love and create your own material wealth through this love relationship. It can also denotes the self-worth in a love relationship. How you value yourself is the key in keeping this love alive. Feihu is also a caution for over possessiveness in love as well. Overall speaking, it is a getting rich rune in love whether it is in material or spiritual dimension.

Fehu – Rune Meaning

By Tyriel (Admin) · 55 Comments
... .

“Every beginning has within it the seeds of its own end.”

Fehu – “Fay-Who” – Literally: “Cattle” – Esoteric: Mobile Property, New Beginnings, Wealth

Key Concepts: Wealth, money, food, sustenance, Hamingja, luck, personal power, circulation of power, financial strength, prosperity

Psi: Beginner’s Mind, presence, freedom, first impressions, young love

Energy: mobility, luck, charisma, dynamic power, liquid and mobile transferable energies, abundance, circulation, ‘mana’, sexual attraction

Mundane: money, recent purchases, reputation, freshness, fashionability

Divinations: New beginnings, social success, foresight, energy, travel, money, control; or greed, failure, atrophy, poverty, endings.

• Delegating your energy to another, power transference or projection; the sending rune
• Drawing gravity into the personal sphere
• Promotion of personal and social evolution, changing circumstances of importance
• Increase in personal monetary wealth
•Beginner’s mind and presence as a tool for consciously creating a fresh start

My notes:
Fehu is actually the rune of ‘luck’. The universe is not so much made up by chance, as by luck. Luck is a hidden but real energy field inherent in your ‘hamingja’. Fehu governs the capacity to hold this luck and use it like a magical ability. This basic energy, your accumulated luck, is the foundation of the wealth and power in your life. Courageous deeds are central to increasing one’s ‘luck’.

Circulation of power, wealth and the mobility of all things is a key aspect to Fehu. These are associated with new beginnings, but keep in mind that there are no true new beginnings or endings, only the conscious marks of transformation. This can be most effectively understood while studying the runes as a cycle in and of itself (visually, a circle). The use of this principle leads to beginner’s mind and to presence as a tool for consciously creating a fresh start.

Indeed, money will work for you best under the guidance of the energies implicit in Fehu. Yet money is only a mundane and simplistic representation of Fehu’s nature. It’s best to think of wealth as food, water, shelter, clothing, sustenance and mobile assets, rather than needless luxury.

In starting new endeavors, Fehu will activate the will, restore self-confidence and assist in goal-setting followed by immediate action. Use the symbol and its teachings against procrastination. It is a reminder to think for yourself, which is fundamental to working with the runes. I find that the vibration of this rune to be in alignment with the principles of sexual attraction, first impressions and young love. Fehu is a reminder for us to act out of the present moment.

The conscious use of money for right ends is the domain of Fehu. In society today it is important that we explore new definitions of wealth and come to a realization of what is truly valuable. Wealth is a creative process in every sense of the word, not a static and measurable mass. I encourage the exploration of this idea right away.

Alternative Names

Feoh, Fe.

Key Phrase

‘Wealth should never be hoarded, but used for the benefit of all.’


Cattle, Fee, Gold.

Viking Rune Equivalent and Meaning

Possessions, goods, personal wealth, society and community wealth, cattle.


Temptation - 44

Tarot Card Equivalent

The Devil - 15 - XV

Divinatory Meaning

Spiritual Richness

Corresponding Letter


Associated Colour

Light Red

Associated Herb


Associated Gemstone

Moss Agate

Associated Tree


Associated Myths and Deities

Freya (Freyr) – goddess of fecundity and love; Brisingamen.

Manifestation Uses

To attain money, business viability, career or job promotion or change, gainful employment, achieving set goals, starting new enterprises.

Relationship Interpretation

The financial prospect in this relationship and the attitudes of the partners will come under scrutiny.

There may be opportunities for a combined creation of wealth and abundance.

Healing Colour and Qualities


Can be placed on the forehead to ease tension headaches and fever; to be used before any medical treatment; opens the channel to the inner self for acceptance of healing in a positive manner; a preventative – to help prevent illnesses from occurring.


Fehu is a good talisman to wear for achieving a goal, gaining a promotion or to bring luck to a new business.

Fehu Drawn Upright


Wealth, income, prosperity, money, physical and financial needs met, high self-esteem, promotion, good karma, well-earned rewards, our common beginning, starting point, success, control of riches, the imperative to give and share, abundance, hope and plenty, success and happiness, social success and status, becoming, attaining, possessions, prosperity, high energy, foresight, fertility.

FEHU is ‘stored energy’.

The first rune of the first (Freya) ‘aett’ is Fehu. This rune is often associated with ‘fertility’. It is the rune of potential and fulfilment. It symbolises solid foundations, rewards reaped and ambitions satisfied. Fehu is the promise of nourishment, growth and stability.

This rune calls for a deep appreciation for profit, loss and gain in life. Fehu is the rune which requires you to look at your possessions and wealth, then weigh up whether they are for your growth and fulfilment, or are they of an ‘ego’ nature.

Within its historical background this rune refers to ‘cattle’. The ownership of cattle gives potential for further expansion and empowerment. To own cattle ensures there would be meat for the family, or alternatively, it could be sold or traded for other necessities, wants and wishes. To be the owner of cattle in ancient times, signified that you were a person of sound decision making skills, as portrayed by your management talents and deft wisdom and knowledge.

To our ancestors, as with us in today’s society, the accumulation of wealth, when gained honourably, is a positive thing. It ensures survival as wealth in its purest sense is a steady food supply. The cattle gives financial security, which in turn delivers comforts needed on all levels.

In ancient times owning cattle or property gave one social status and often a louder voice within the community. The sale of cattle brought instant monetary gain. The ‘sharing’ or ‘loaning’ of the cattle to others brought ‘interest’ in return. This interest would increase wealth in the form of more cattle or the payment of a fee – hence Fehu.

In time, the importance placed upon cattle was transferred to ‘gold’, therefore, the rune Fehu became synonymous with ‘fee’ or the ‘amount of money’.

As cattle breed more cattle, Fehu also represents the concept of ‘money makes more money’. This wealth gives one power. This power though, is to be used to fulfil the needs of the self and others. The nourishment of others gives wealth of a spiritual kind.

Fehu is the day to day reality of life. It is whatever we think we are seeking. It is the mundane and routine of existence. Fehu is the stability of the self and the home and is a reminder that you must be secure within the self before embarking outwards.

The concept of Fehu is the ‘seed’ which is to be planted in order to reap the rewards. It is the money in the bank that will enable one to attain wants and needs. It is the ability, but not the action.

The individual’s potential creative energies can be used to create wealth, on all levels required.

On a superficial level, the Fehu rune can refer to objects of a material nature or monetary wealth on the material plane.

On a spiritual level, Fehu refers to the ability to create abundance, prosperity and wealth, be it financially, spiritually, physically or emotionally. The Fehu rune represents the ‘process’ of this.

Drawing the Fehu rune in a reading would indicate that work done in the past and seeds planted last season, are ready for harvest, with the promise of further abundance. Fehu indicates that something has been well-earned or won. Now is the time to draw on your good fortune with a positive attitude and spread the energy around. Fehu promises nourishment to all concerned.

Drawn in a reading, Fehu is telling you to enjoy your good fortune, but remember to share it with others.

This rune shows us that if the soul is well nourished and fulfilled it in turn is able to nourish and fulfil others.

Fehu Drawn Reversed


Loss or failure, low self-esteem, greed, atrophy, discord, waste, disharmony, poverty, cowardice, stupidity, poor judgment in decision making.

Drawn reversed, the Fehu rune may bring to light frustrations and issues you may be dealing with, that you feel have no viable solution. These can be from the severe to the trivial.

You may feel that you are failing at all you try to achieve; each hit is a miss. You may even be struggling financially or fear that you may not have ‘enough’.

Reversed, the Fehu rune tells that something achieved may be lost, often brought about by one’s own actions or choices.

This rune indicates that doubtful situations abound and you must tread wearily. ‘Look before you leap’ is a good phrase to remember with this reversed rune.

The Fehu rune merkstave shows you the ‘shadow side’ or negativity of wealth, money and possessions. It portrays the materialistic view. It gives one the opportunity to recognise and assess where their true nourishment lies.

You may have great riches within, but they are masked by emotional imbalances and unresolved issues.
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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: общи значения на руните   общи значения на руните - Page 2 Icon_minitimeПон Сеп 15 2014, 13:39


Gebo in Career


(G: Gift.) Gifts, both in the sense of sacrifice and of generosity, indicating balance. All matters in relation to exchanges, including contracts, personal relationships and partnerships. Gebo Merkstave (Gebo cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Greed, loneliness, dependence, over-sacrifice. Obligation, toll, privation, bribery.

Gebo in career: You are lucky one that can make a living with the gifts or talents endowed by the Universe. To work or start a career in the area of your interest, you are ahead of other peers to begin with. You are one of the few who enjoy your work and career and showcase your gifts to the world. The current career you are in is the one made for you. So rest assured that you will succeed if you put enough efforts into it. Those gifts have to be cultivated, meaning you need to pay your attention and time to develop and polish them before they can become your gifts to the world. In career reading, it also suggests a ideal partnership with a business partner or a healthy cooperation that would produce tangible and stable achievement.

Gebo in General


(G: Gift.) Gifts, both in the sense of sacrifice and of generosity, indicating balance. All matters in relation to exchanges, including contracts, personal relationships and partnerships. Gebo Merkstave (Gebo cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Greed, loneliness, dependence, over-sacrifice. Obligation, toll, privation, bribery.

Gebo in general: Gebo – “Gay-boo” – Literally: “Gift” – Esoteric: Fair Exchange, Sacrifice, Sacred Marriage
Key Concepts: gifts, giving, taking, trade, sacrifice, process of exchange, balance, compensation, equilibrium, law of reciprocation, altruism, the gravity of equals and opposites, generosity, hospitality, honor, gratitude, forgiveness, appreciation

Energy: Exchanged powers, sacrifice, dissolution of barriers through gifting
Divinations: Generosity, gift, magical exchange, honor, sacrifice, divine vision; or influence buying, greed, loneliness, dependence, over-sacrifice, unbalanced behavior, dishonesty

Mundane: material gifts, thankfulness, trade

Sex magic
Mystical union and ‘Sacred Marriage’ between partners
Understanding of the true meaning of gifting and binding
Giving of oneself from within
Harmony between brothers and sisters and lovers
Favours, contracts, obligations, debt and oath-taking

Gebo in Love


(G: Gift.) Gifts, both in the sense of sacrifice and of generosity, indicating balance. All matters in relation to exchanges, including contracts, personal relationships and partnerships. Gebo Merkstave (Gebo cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Greed, loneliness, dependence, over-sacrifice. Obligation, toll, privation, bribery.

Gebo in love reading is a blessed rune. You get a gift of love and the one you loved now is meant to be with you at least for this moment. There are dynamic interaction between you two both in giving and receiving. True friendship cannot be undone. This love relationship is built on the strong foundation. However, balance is required to keep the flame of love going. Either you or the loved one has to give in order to receive love. The gifts that love bring to you do not only include passion and feelings, they also bring you the tools of self development and promote the growth of your soul. There are many lessons to be learned and you will become a more complete person through love.

Gebo – Rune Meaning

By Tyriel (Admin) · 13 Comments
... .

“For every gift a curse.”

Gebo – “Gay-boo” – Literally: “Gift” – Esoteric: Fair Exchange, Sacrifice, Sacred Marriage

Key Concepts: gifts, giving, taking, trade, sacrifice, process of exchange, balance, compensation, equilibrium, law of reciprocation, altruism, the gravity of equals and opposites, generosity, hospitality, honor

Psi: gratitude, forgiveness, appreciation

Energy: Exchanged powers, sacrifice, dissolution of barriers through gifting

Divinations: Generosity, gift, magical exchange, honor, sacrifice, divine vision; or influence buying, greed, loneliness, dependence, over-sacrifice, unbalanced behavior, dishonesty

Mundane: material gifts, thankfulness, trade

Sex magic
Mystical union and ‘Sacred Marriage’ between partners
Understanding of the true meaning of gifting and binding
Giving of oneself from within
Harmony between brothers and sisters and lovers
Favours, contracts, obligations, debt and oath-taking

My Notes:

Gebo is perhaps one of the runes which has the most lore. When we say X-mas, the X is unconsciously representative of this rune. In the Havamal, the Cosmic Law of Compensation is written as ‘Better not to over-pledge as a gift demands a gift’, and ‘No man is so generous he will jib at accepting a gift in return for a gift’.

The exchange of gifts, whether physical or otherwise, is a highly meaningful act, as is the idea of trade. It is associated with magical rings, which give kings the ability to share powers with their followers, as is expected of leaders. The need for exchanged energies and powers to remain equal in amounts is at the heart of the rune Gebo. In the Havamal it also says ‘A man should be loyal through life to friends, and return gift for gift; Laugh when they laugh, but with lies repay a flase foe who lies.’ Though this might conflict with the New Age morality, it was the ancient way of expressing ‘what goes around, comes around’.

Elsewhere in Northern lore we find, that there is always a price to pay. Every decision you make requires the acceptance of one thing and simultaneous sacrifice or release of another. For more on that sacrifice, see INGUZ. Self-sacrifice (for honor in battle or for the greater good) is a common theme with the death of warriors. Odin on the tree sacrifices ‘himself to Himself’ in his shamanic initiation to discover the knowledge and wisdom of the runes.

Gebo is also tied deeply to the exchange of sexual energies between male and female, and so it deeply governs mystical union, sacred oaths of marriage and sex magic. For more on sacred marriage, one must uncover the mysteries of EHWAZ.

Alternative Names

Gyfu; Giba; Gyfu; Gipt; Gifu; Geofu.

Key phrase

‘To tread a spiritual path

you must be both a giver and a receiver.’


Gift, an offering, love, balance, hospitality.

Viking Rune Equivalent and Meaning

Partnership. A gift. Offerings from the gods.

Divinatory Meaning

A spiritual gift.To promote harmony and bring about union.



Tarot Card Equivalent

The Lovers - 6 - VI

Corresponding Letter


Associated Colour

Deep Blue

Associated Herb


Associated Gemstone


Associated Tree

Ash / Elm

Associated Myths and Deities

Sigurd and Brunhild; Aesir and Vanir Treaty.

Manifestation Uses

To bring luck and good fortune. To bring about change, or effect a transformation.

Relationship Interpretation

To find or strengthen a relationship; for fertility. It can be a symbol of a sexual relationship or the product of that relationship. Give and take, compromise.

Healing Colour and Qualities


To cool and ease headaches. To relieve stress and tension. To calm the body and mind. Brings balance. Transforms sexual energy into healing energies.


Gebo is an excellent talisman to strengthen a relationship and to bring luck and fertility.

Gebo Drawn Upright


Balance, a gift, exchanged gifts, an offering, love, friendship, partnership, generosity, giving and receiving, good luck, unexpected good fortune, hospitality, exchange, contracts, generosity, a sacred mark, dedication to the gods, talent and ability, joining together, love relations, bountiful abundance.

GEBO is the ‘wisdom of an action’.

Gebo is the seventh rune of eight, of the first aett. It is the rune of communication, partnership and unions, of all kinds. The Gebo rune also indicates giving and receiving and putting wisdom into action to reap rewards.

In Norse mythology, Odin received the runes after his labour and sacrifice. He then passed that knowledge and wisdom on to the world. In comparison, the planting of a seed will grow to be harvested and through this process you are able to feed yourself and others. Alternatively, the harvest can be sold to receive money in return. The planting of the seed is the labour; the eating of the produce is the reaping of the rewards. We receive the product of our doing.

Generosity is a word that is often associated with Gebo, which relates to all kinds of exchanges including contracts, love, marriage and sexual congress. Gebo promises balance and equality.

Gebo is a rune of connection, particularly those between people. This rune represents places where our paths intersect with others and gives us the opportunity to form relationships. Such relationships are strengthened and sanctified by the exchange of gifts, both tangible and intangible.

The giving of gifts has been used as a symbol of an oath or bond since ancient times. For example, in years gone by, when a lord wanted to ensure the loyalty of one of his subjects, he would give that person a gift. The gift would create a debt on the part of the person receiving it, and this debt would ensure his readiness to serve his lord.

Similarly, a gift given between lovers, especially that of rings, symbolises the bond between them. Gifts or offerings given to the ‘Gods’ often carries the same meaning, representing the giver’s love and loyalty to their God. The giving of gifts implies the acceptance of a debt with the understanding that the debt is not to be repaid, as such. It is this which forms the bond.

The root concept of the Gebo rune is not the gift, or the giving of the gift, but the fruits of the giving. The giving of gifts also allows one to receive them. By giving a gift of significance, you are also giving the gift of receiving to the recipient. If you give a gift from the heart, the recipient is given the opportunity to learn to receive graciously. It is the joining of the giver and the one who receives. Therefore, the giving of gifts is two-fold in its rewards.

Drawing the Gebo rune indicates a time of hospitality, generosity and giving. It is a time for celebrations and unions, marriages and get-togethers.

Drawing this rune may indicate a need for you to look within and find where your true heart lies in regards to those near and dear. It may be a time to express your heartfelt emotions to those who you value in your present life and express those feelings to them.

Drawing Gebo could be showing you that there is a need to learn what to give and who to give to. It is not appropriate to give to everyone indiscriminately. There are those who do not wish to receive, so giving to them is a waste of energy and an abuse of your own gifts. Weighing up your true emotions will help to find inner-balance.

Gebo appearing in a reading may indicate that a gift is coming to you. This gift may present you with opportunities and choices. You can either accept or reject them. If you choose to accept, you must be prepared to give in return. Everything has its price, but with spiritual gifts, the cost is always worth it in the end.

Gebo is telling you to reassess where your truths lie, what your beliefs are and informing you that you need to take stock of your life. People, places and objects may not fit into your current lifestyle. Take stock of what you have, what you need and require, then shed what you no longer need.

This is your opportunity to de-clutter your life. It is also an opportunity for you to give the gift of charity by giving your unwanted goods to those less fortunate. In doing so, you will reap the rewards of the soul.

Gebo Drawn Reversed


Greed, loneliness, dependence, sacrifice, over-sacrifice, obligation, toll, privation, bribery.

Gebo cannot be reversed, but may lay in opposition. This may indicate a loneliness or obligation. You may feel over-extended or that you have over-sacrificed yourself. You may feel used or abused by others.

Gebo merkstave will cast its shadow, causing spiritual and emotional emptiness.
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“Don’t try to fix what we should break before it breaks us.”

Hagalaz - “Hag-all-az” – Literally: “Hail” or “Hailstone” – Esoteric: Crisis or Radical Change

Key Concepts: hailstones, crisis and catastrophe, disruption, radical change, destructive elements of nature, severe weather, the uncontrollable, unavoidable unpleasantness, Jungian shadow, psychoanalysis, regression, acceptance of the unalterable

Psi: disruption, change, personal past

Energy: power beyond human ability to harness, perfect pattern, seed formation, objective confrontation, destructive natural forces, chaos

Mundane: bad weather, obstacles, surprises, shelter

Divinations: Change according to ideals, changes for the long-term good, controlled crisis, corrections, completion, inner harmony; or catastrophe, crisis, stagnation, loss of power, loss of property, short-term disappointment, victim-consciousness, obsession with the past, blame.

Completeness and balance of power, integration of unconscious shadow elements
The inevitability of Fate, Wyrd, Orlog
Evolutionary progress and operations of becoming
The outworking of a perfect pattern
Protection through banishing or exorcising disharmonious patterns, protection
Awareness of the unconscious ideas for eventual processing
Causing discomfort in others by awakening their own subconscious ‘garbage’

Hagalaz Rune Meanings Notes:

Hagalaz signals a major shift of energies as the Elder Futhark begins its second row of aetts. Hagalaz is the rune of objective confrontation with past patterns. It will uncover the vast flow of energies around and through human energy systems. Its nature is completely impersonal and it represents power generally beyond human ability to harness.

Hail shocks you with stinging hardness (confrontation) then it melts into water which creates germination of seeds (transformation). The ancients describe hail as a grain rather than as ice, thus creating a metaphor for a deeper truth of life. It contains the seed of all the other runic energies and this can be seen in its other form, a six-fold snowflake. Spiritual awakening often comes from times of deep crisis.

As the ninth rune, Hagalaz has a special place in the ordering, as nine has particular significance in the elder futhark. Nine signals completion of a perfect pattern. Nine months is one of nature’s most regular human cycles, that of the gestation period for a baby in a mother’s womb. In this sense it is a protective rune, and assists us in acceptance of the unalterable, the seeking of shelter and patience while things blow over.

Hagalaz can be used as a force of repulsion or banishment. It is used in work to process and dispel the effects of subconscious baggage and ‘shadow elements’ so that your life pattern can carry itself forward in its pure form. Hagalaz has the magical energy of a ‘spring cleaning’. It reveals the personal past, past lives and early environmental factors in childhood development. It follows that LAGAZ, from which hail is ultimately made, is also a rune of profound unconscious exploration and personal depth.

Hagalaz can be used as a curse against others, aimed to bring up their suppressed inner conflicts and thus impeding them. It is a clean curse, as the recipient is only experiencing the ill effects of their own accountability. It is a dark, feminine power and can been associated with witchcraft and destructive female magic.

Hagalaz in Career


(H: Hail.) Wrath of nature, destructive, uncontrolled forces, especially the weather, or within the unconscious. Tempering, testing, trial. Controlled crisis, leading to completion, inner harmony. Hagalaz Merkstave (Hagalaz cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Natural disaster, catastrophe. Stagnation, loss of power. Pain, loss, suffering, hardship, sickness, crisis.

If you draw hagalaz in career rune reading, it is time to stop keeping silence in your career life. When Hagalaz appears in career reading, it urges you to face the severe situation of the career. Your assumptions and view might be wrong in the past. It is time to correct the mistakes and break free from current limits imposed on you or by your circumstance. A job or position that you are holding now does not serve you any longer. To seek for progress and growth, you need to start from anew, without any fear or hesitation, no matter how terrible it seems at the beginning. You have hidden in your cave for too long. Although the realization of the career mistake is horrible, it heals in the long term in your development of right career.

Hagalaz in General


(H: Hail.) Wrath of nature, destructive, uncontrolled forces, especially the weather, or within the unconscious. Tempering, testing, trial. Controlled crisis, leading to completion, inner harmony. Hagalaz Merkstave (Hagalaz cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Natural disaster, catastrophe. Stagnation, loss of power. Pain, loss, suffering, hardship, sickness, crisis.

Hagalaz in general – “Hag-all-az” – Literally: “Hail” or “Hailstone” – Esoteric: Crisis or Radical Change
Key Concepts: hailstones, crisis and catastrophe, disruption, radical change, destructive elements of nature, severe weather, the uncontrollable, unavoidable unpleasantness, Jungian shadow, psychoanalysis, regression, acceptance of the unalterable
Psi: disruption, change, personal past

Energy: power beyond human ability to harness, perfect pattern, seed formation, objective confrontation, destructive natural forces, chaos, bad weather, obstacles, surprises, shelter

Divinations: Change according to ideals, changes for the long-term good, controlled crisis, corrections, completion, inner harmony; or catastrophe, crisis, stagnation, loss of power, loss of property, short-term disappointment, victim-consciousness, obsession with the past, blame.

Completeness and balance of power, integration of unconscious shadow elements
The inevitability of Fate, Wyrd, Orlog
Evolutionary progress and operations of becoming
The outworking of a perfect pattern
Protection through banishing or exorcising disharmonious patterns, protection
Awareness of the unconscious ideas for eventual processing
Causing discomfort in others by awakening their own subconscious ‘garbage’

Hagalaz in Love


(H: Hail.) Wrath of nature, destructive, uncontrolled forces, especially the weather, or within the unconscious. Tempering, testing, trial. Controlled crisis, leading to completion, inner harmony. Hagalaz Merkstave (Hagalaz cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Natural disaster, catastrophe. Stagnation, loss of power. Pain, loss, suffering, hardship, sickness, crisis.

Hagalaz in love rune reading: Turmoil, break-up, chaos, are all indicated here in love reading if you draw Hagalza rune. Something must break out before order can be resumed. There is a strong indication of unnecessary restrictions imposed on this love relationship and the questioner or the loved one has to realize before a balanced view can be reached. The old energy of love is no longer working. All the presumptions are going to be proved wrong. It is important to remember not fear at this moment of revolution. Hagalaz is also a waking up call to the one concerned in love reading. Things will turn out to be a surprise. Take heart and observe in calm.

Alternative Names

Haegl, Hagl, Haegl, Hagal, Hagall.

Key Phrase

‘Never shy away from challenges

as they strengthen and teach you

throughout your life.’


Hail, elemental power, the Great Awakener.

Viking Rune Equivalent and Meaning

Disruption. Disruptive forces. Hail. Natural forces that damage.



Tarot Card Equivalent

The Tower - 10 - X

Divinatory Meaning

A challenge.

Corresponding Letter


Associated Colour

Light Blue

Associated Herb


Associated Gemstone


Associated Trees


Associated Myths and Deities

Ragnarok, Loki, Frost Giants, Urd. Sacred to Heindall – the Watcher, and Mordgud – keeper of the icy bridge to the Underworld.

Manifestation Uses

Removing unwanted influences and energies, breaking destructive patterns. Used for protection, health and harmony.

Relationship Interpretation

Unconscious influences operating within the relationship. Past experiences in other relationships, including projections from parents.

Healing Colour and Qualities

Rainbow – all forms of the colour


To promote good health and harmony within the body. Particularly good for use with the kidney, bladder and lower back pain. Helps in healing cold and flu symptoms. Also aids in the recovery after an illness.


As a talisman Hagalaz removes unwanted influences and what appears to be a circle of never-ending destruction.

Hagalaz Drawn Upright


Destruction, disaster, sudden loss, ordeal, clearance, testing, karmic lessons, drastic change, wrath of nature, uncontrolled forces, tempering, testing, trials and tribulations, influences from the past.

HAGALAZ is ‘forces beyond our control’.

Hagalaz is the ninth rune and the first rune of the Second Aett. The Hagalaz rune, above all others, represents the concept of balance; yin/yang, male/female, positive/negative, black/white.

The Hagalaz rune is seen as potential energy of neutral power by an external force. Appearing as it does at the beginning of the second Aett, it marks both a beginning and an end and indicates a warning not to become too complacent.

Hagalaz lies between the rune Kenaz (fire) and Isa (ice) reminding us of the creative potential that lies between these two opposites, eventhough initially their meeting may seem destructive.

Essential to the understanding of the Hagalaz rune is the idea that the destruction of the old brings necessary growth of the new. This concept is contained in the Norse myths of Ragnarok and of creation. Hagalaz represents a dramatic event or trauma which comes from outside your own immediate perceptions.

Hagalaz is the ‘bolt from the blue’ that shakes things up, then rearranges them perfectly. This rune is integrated into the mysteries of renewal through destruction. Like Odin, sometimes one must loose all in order to find his or her own personal power. The transformation from destruction to fertility comes after much upheaval.

Like the Tower card in the Tarot deck, Hagalaz is only a ‘negative’ rune if we choose to view it that way and refuse to see the lesson for what it is, and learn it.

Challenges are occurring in your life, but these are to be embraced rather than feared. A hailstorm, for example, may seem daunting and scary at first, but if you catch a hailstone you will realise that it is only water and is not to be feared.

Look upon your challenges as opportunities for greater learning and growth. The greater the challenge, the more wisdom you can acquire once you have overcome the obstacles in your path.

Hagalaz is a ‘wake up call’. It is the rune that tells you that although things may appear to be going well, due to complacency on your behalf, you may be about to take a tumble.

Hagalaz is the rune that tells you to pay attention. Often throughout one’s lif, we receive ‘wake-up calls’, which are often misinterpreted as ‘Divine punishment’ for some imagined wrong, when in fact they are merely a way of drawing your attention to a recurrent pattern in your life which needs to be addressed in order for you to progress, positively.

Hagalaz indicates uncontrolled forces wreaking havoc and disruptive plans and ushering a time of trials and tests. But all is not lost, as Hagalaz also suggests that the crisis will lead to completion or closure of some sort that heralds an inner harmony.

When the Hagalaz rune is drawn be aware that there are external forces around you which will make situations and issues come to a head. You may experience a physical, emotional or spiritual upheaval of sorts, which ultimately, will clear out the old to allow in the new.

Change is definitely necessary. An adjustment on world-views and personal outlook may be indicated. Initially, all may seem catastrophic, but its aftermath will prove fruitful. Your power lies within your inner strength, and it is this that will provide you with support and guidance at a time when everything you’ve taken for granted is being challenged.

Hagalaz Drawn Reversed


Hagalaz cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition. Natural disasters, the sudden destroyer, uncontrolled forces, inner and outer, a hail of weapons, delay, upheaval in personal unconscious, catastrophe, stagnation, accident, unavoidable bad luck, challenge to change, destruction, disruption, loss of power, pain, suffering, hardship, sickness, crisis.

Hagalaz drawn reversed indicates a time of trial and tribulations and a test of your true inner strengths and weaknesses.

Reversed, Hagalaz implies a catastrophic natural disaster may be about to strike. On a personal level, it indicates loss of power and a period of stagnation, hardship and loss, brought about perhaps by illness.

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Ingwaz in Career


(Ing, the earth god.) Male fertility, gestation, internal growth. Common virtues, common sense, simple strengths, family love, caring, human warmth, the home. Rest stage, a time of relief, of no anxiety. A time when all loose strings are tied and you are free to move in a new direction. Listen to yourself. Ingwaz Merkstave (Ingwaz cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Impotence, movement without change. Production, toil, labor, work.

Ingwaz in career reading is a harvest rune in your career reading. Many times, we have to take risks for an endeavor or our career dream. This rune suggests what you start will come into fruition. But you need to do things step by step and carefully. Each stage serves a connection to reach the next stage. In your career life, you should avoid sudden leap from your old position to the new. Instead, by moving to different areas of work gradually, you are more likely to succeed and reap the rewards in the end. It is critical to listen to you heart and get the clue of how things are moving, the pattern of your career development.

Ingwaz in General


(Ing, the earth god.) Male fertility, gestation, internal growth. Common virtues, common sense, simple strengths, family love, caring, human warmth, the home. Rest stage, a time of relief, of no anxiety. A time when all loose strings are tied and you are free to move in a new direction. Listen to yourself. Ingwaz Merkstave (Ingwaz cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Impotence, movement without change. Production, toil, labor, work.

• Storage and transformation of power for ritual use.
• Stored Energy
• Passive meditation and centering of energy and thought
• Sudden release of energy
• All forms of subtle, creative action

Inguz in general is a process of transformation. The inside growth and potential energy that must accumulate gradually in storage before being released as a single surge of energy. A mental ‘seed’ desire is implanted by our subconscious for incubation and gestation, later to emerge as a new life. Inguz governs the process of seed into catalyst, and the self-sacrifice of one form to bring into being a new form, and the characteristics inherited because of this transformation.

Ingwaz in Love


(Ing, the earth god.) Male fertility, gestation, internal growth. Common virtues, common sense, simple strengths, family love, caring, human warmth, the home. Rest stage, a time of relief, of no anxiety. A time when all loose strings are tied and you are free to move in a new direction. Listen to yourself. Ingwaz Merkstave (Ingwaz cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Impotence, movement without change. Production, toil, labor, work.

Ingwaz in love indicates a good result from a love relationship. Thing will complete itself with a happy ending. A release from anxiety of previous confusion of love. But like four season in a year, you need to go through all ups and downs in this relationship in order to get to the final happy ending. Each stage will strengthen the love for its own right. You reap what you sown. Depending on your attitude and your contribution, if you cannot go through all the four corners of Ingwaz, the process will be ended prematurely. This is a friendly reminder of this rune in your love reading.

“Only when we know our solitude to be different from our loneliness
can we be whole enough to honor another’s place.”

Inguz – “Ing-guz” – Literally: “Seed” or “The god, Ing” – Esoteric: Process, space

Rune of isolation or separation in order to create a space or place where the process of transformation into higher states of being can occur. Rune of gestation and internal growth.

Psi: internal growth, personal development, the power of suggestion, the inner-child, wholeness

Energy: earth-god, stored energy, gestation process, male mysteries, subtlety, planned bursts

Mundane: male sexuality, agriculture

Divinations: Resting, gestation, internal growth, expectation, time for oneself; or impotence, scattering, movement without change, frivolity, immaturity.

•Storage and transformation of power for ritual use.
•Stored Energy
•Passive meditation and centering of energy and thought
•Sudden release of energy
•All forms of subtle, creative action

My Notes:

Represented by the very ancient god image Ing, Inguz is a rune of male fertility. The English language participle “-ing” adds to any verb the idea of acton. Do-ing, Be-ing, See-ing, etc. The addition of “ing” represents action in the actual process of activity (rather than an object). Thus, even common elements within our most common language use “ing” to infer the process of creation.

Inguz is that potential energy that must accumulate gradually in storage before being released as a single surge of energy. It represents the process of a mental ‘seed’ desire implanted by the conscious mind into the subconscious for incubation and gestation, later to emerge as a new creation in your life affairs. Inguz governs the process of seed into catalyst, and the self-sacrifice of one form to bring into being a new form, and the characteristics inherited because of this transformation.

Thus, Inguz contains within its lore the true meaning of sacrifice. Such sacrifice occurs when one form is called upon to die so that a newly evolved form may begin to grow. This is one of the cornerstone concepts in what is known as the ‘male mysteries’. To die for something, such as a cause or an ideal such as freedom, a universal theme in warrior traditions, is thus connected to the energies of Inguz.

There is great wisdom in creating an analogy between this fundamental act of nature and the mystical act of generation. The failure of a magical operation is often caused by the lack of the operator ‘letting go’ of some past form of manifestation so that a newly desired form can be born. All humans live in the past to some degree or another, but one must apply the laws of nature which call for death of the old in order to bring about transformation into new energies and new forms. This sounds simple to do on an intellectual level, but in practice it is requires masterful artistry.

Inguz signals the integration of the four selves: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. It is the drive toward completion and totality and acts as the catalyst for movement toward wholeness. Where Berkano signifies the outer child, hidden within the wisdom of Inguz is the activation of one’s inner-child.

Elderfuthark Rune INGUZ


Alternative Names

Ing; Epel; Ingwaz; Enguz; Iggws.

Key Phrase

‘Live in the moment.’


Ing the Fertility God (also known as Freyr)

Viking Rune Equivalent

Fertility. The god Ing.

Divinatory Meaning

The Fire Within



Tarot Card Equivalent

The Empress - 3 - III

Corresponding Letters

N, G

Associated Colour


Associated Herb


Associated Gemstone


Associated Tree


Associated Myths and Deities

Ing, Nerthus, Thor, the Vanir.

Sacred to Frey and consort of Freya.

Manifestation Uses

For fertility of the land and farming. For general health and balance. To stimulate growth. For a gradual change or adherence to responsibilities.

Relationship Interpretation

Parenthood, unity, co-operation, integration.

Healing Colour and Qualities


Inguz can be used to ease tension and calm the mind and body.

Can be used to easse menstruation symptoms and hormonal imbalances.


Inguz worn as a talisman, brings fertility and growth, and encourages good health and restores balance.

Inguz Drawn Upright


Male fertility and potency, gestation, internal growth, work, productivity, bounty, being grounded, a connection with the land, peace, prosperity, protection of hearth and home, a beacon of light, potential energy accumulating for a burst of power, good health, balance, farming and cropping, fertility, virtues, common sense, family love, human warmth, home, rest period, grounding, summer sun, inner strengths.

INGUZ is ‘Creativity’.

The twenty-second rune in total and sixth of the final Aett, is the Inguz rune. This rune is often associated with masculine energy and the Moon. The Inguz rune represents Nerthiz, the god Ing (or Freyr), who is the embodiment of fertility. It is this fertility that we call upon to create.

Agriculture represents one of the first attempts by mankind to control the environment, the sustainability of crops and the animals used to maintain them. Throughout ancient times, a primary concern for mankind was the production and harvesting of successful crops for the survival, health and well being of its people.

In today’s Western society, many (if not most) have lost their connection and contact with the land and the process of growing things. The spiritual consequences of this have been disastrous as most people now find it difficult to connect with their own survival instincts and natural intuitions. It has become evident also, in the disrespect given to the earth, the environment and natural resources.

In ancient times, the land was revered as a source of survival as well as one of wondrous beauty.

The shape of the Inguz rune shows balance, representing the harmonious relationship between ourselves and the four elements or four directions. Inguz reminds us of the ancient connection between the gods and the land. It is a rune of grounding, and tells us to reconnect and re-link (which is the true meaning of the word ‘religion’) with our spiritual natures and to reintroduce ourselves to the earth and all its beauties as well as its forebodings. This will reconnect our bodies, minds and spirits.

Inguz is a rune of movement, action and reaction. It is also one of responsibility. The Inguz rune indicates that you are on a spiritual path or journey. Drawing this Rune means that you now have the strength and personal power to achieve completion, resolution and finalisation with some issues that have been a burden or have been long drawn out. It is crucial here to complete projects and finish unfinished business. From this comes an exciting new beginning. You must be done with the old to allow room for the new.

Drawing the Inguz rune in a reading indicates that although you may feel isolated or out of sync at times, you can be safe in the knowledge that within you burns the fire of inspiration. This will urge you onwards, upwards and striving toward spiritual fulfilment. It is the essence of the Inguz rune that will move you forward. With the Inguz rune in play, we nurture ideas and plans and make way for the future.

Depending upon the situation at hand, drawing the Inguz rune can indicate a time of your darkest hour. You may feel confused, helpless or stagnant. Look upon it as though you are the seed, sitting just below the soil, waiting for the sun to shine and the timing to be right, before sprouting forth. It is your opportunity to look within and know that you are on the right path.

Inguz is concerned with male fertility, gestation and internal growth. It is all about common sense and simple strengths, the home and love of the family, caring and human warmth.

Inguz presages a period of rest and relaxation when anxieties disappear and loose strings are tied. It implies that you are free to move in new directions.

Inguz Drawn Reversed


Ill-health, lack of balance, male impotence, toil, movement with no positive change, bad harvests, hard work that brings little reward.

Inguz cannot be drawn reversed or merkstave, but can lay in opposition.

Drawing the Inguz rune in opposition indicates that you may be allowing problems and obstacles get you down to the point where you loose your inspiration and drive to strive and succeed. The message is to trust in your own abilities and talents. In fact, it is imperative that you rely on them at this time.
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Isa in Career


(I: Ice.) A challenge or frustration. Psychological blocks to thought or activity, including grievances. Standstill, or a time to turn inward and wait for what is to come, or to seek clarity. This rune reinforces runes around it. Isa Merkstave (Isa cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Ego-mania, dullness, blindness, dissipation. Treachery, illusion, deceit, betrayal, guile, stealth, ambush, plots.

When you draw Isa in career rune reading, it suggests you to take a break from your current job or work. Nothing can help you move forward in your career life except a time alone to reflect and relax. Sometimes, we move too fast thinking speed is helping achievement. Without clear direction and right approach, what we do is often counter productively. It is a warning to stop the blind efforts now. Listen to your heart and focus on your goal. You need a time out for deeper review of what you have done so far in your career and stop previous activities as Isa is a stop sign.

Isa in General


(I: Ice.) A challenge or frustration. Psychological blocks to thought or activity, including grievances. Standstill, or a time to turn inward and wait for what is to come, or to seek clarity. This rune reinforces runes around it. Isa Merkstave (Isa cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Ego-mania, dullness, blindness, dissipation. Treachery, illusion, deceit, betrayal, guile, stealth, ambush, plots.

Isa in general- “Iss-ah” – Literally: “Ice” – Esoteric: Stasis, Stillness
Rune of concentration of things in a static or frozen state. Rune of stillness and the Ego-Self.

Psi: mental faculties, focus, ego, self-image/self-identity

Energy: stillness, contraction, stasis, cold, self-preservation, harsh reality
Divinations: Concentrated self, ego-consciousness, self-control, unity of being; or egomania, dullness, blindness, dissipation, immobility, self-centeredness, lack of change, psychopathy.

Development of concentration, will and focus
Halting of unwanted dynamic forces as an act of self-defense (ard against demonic influences)
Basic ego integration within a balanced multiversal system
Power of control and constraint over other wights (entities), emotional outbursts
Focus of the will into single-minded action

All your plans will stay frozen and suspended although you do not realize that. Do not overwork. Try to find out what keeps you attached to your situation and throw away what is old. Resignation might mean wisdom. WARNING: Do not count on your friend’s help.

Isa in Love


(I: Ice.) A challenge or frustration. Psychological blocks to thought or activity, including grievances. Standstill, or a time to turn inward and wait for what is to come, or to seek clarity. This rune reinforces runes around it. Isa Merkstave (Isa cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Ego-mania, dullness, blindness, dissipation. Treachery, illusion, deceit, betrayal, guile, stealth, ambush, plots.

Isa in love: You need to suspend the current love relationship and keep it cool. Now, as snow or ice in the winter, nothing can be changed for the moment. It is best to leave it alone and warm up the relationship later when the chance arrives. With Isa in love, something is hindering the development of love. To move forward, you have to keep standstill first. It is ironical that most often, love is like a butterfly. When you try to catch it, it flow away. When you sit still, it will perch on your shoulder without your notice. It is time for this moment. Wait and keep silent is your best bet for this love relationship.

“Ice only appears to stop a river’s flow.”

Isa - “Iss-ah” – Literally: “Ice” – Esoteric: Stasis, Stillness

Rune of concentration of things in a static or frozen state. Rune of stillness and the Ego-Self.

Psi: mental faculties, focus, ego, self-image/self-identity

Energy: stillness, contraction, stasis

Mundane: cold, self-preservation, harsh reality

Divinations: Concentrated self, ego-consciousness, self-control, unity of being; or egomania, dullness, blindness, dissipation, immobility, self-centeredness, lack of change, psychopathy.

Development of concentration, will and focus
Halting of unwanted dynamic forces as an act of self-defense (ard against demonic influences)
Basic ego integration within a balanced multiversal system
Power of control and constraint over other wights (entities), emotional outbursts
Focus of the will into single-minded action

My Notes:

Ice is beautiful and treacherous. It lulls the traveler to sleep with its peace and serenity. Nice locks life under its surface and keeps it motionless. However, there is little else as powerful as the slow moving glacier, which can tear apart even the bedrock as it inches forward. Although ice generally shows itself as it is, with little glamor, there is little so treacherous as a weak spot in the ice that will swallow the unwary with surprising swiftness, and soon enough leave hardly a trace. The hidden part of an iceberg, which represents 90% of its bulk, can remain hidden and gut a ship with little mercy. This is how the ancients saw ice: inimical, even hostile to life. Therefore this third rune of the second aett is yet another rune that represents an aspect of the harshness of reality.

In the most elementary dynamic, Isa is a building block of the physical world, slowing down fire energy and solidifying it.

Isa is a rune of control. As your ego-self grows in strength through spiritual thinking and training, this construct matures into the individualized YOU (or the ‘I’).

There is a dark side to this enhancement of ego as you can see by the dark side of Isa. When not kept under control, the ego-self can take a path into ego-trips of self-aggrandizement, superficial desire and fall for the glitter of false trappings instead of real spiritual substance. Those who claim to know with too much certainty: beware!

Isa will control and quiet emotional distress, but be wary! It will not eliminate any persistent root cause of unpleasant circumstance. But it can help in extending stillness into your aura. Isa is particularly useful in attaining stillness of presence.

Alternative Names

Is, Eis, Iss.

Key Phrase

“When life seems at a standstill,

review the past and look to the future.’


Ice (in opposition of Fire)

Viking Rune Equivalent and Meaning

Standstill. Ice.



Tarot Card Equivalent

The Hanged Man - 12 XII

Divinatory Meaning


Corresponding Letter


Associated Colour


Associated Herb


Associated Gemstone

Cat’s Eye

Associated Tree


Associated Myths and Deities

Audumla; Nifelheim; Rime-Giants; the Hrimthursar.

Manifestation Uses

To stop a process.

Relationship Interpretation

Privacy issues. Areas within the relationship that are kept private and not shared.

Healing Colour and Qualities


Helps the calm internal energies. Used in combination with Uruz is good for throat, liver and nerve problems. The Isa rune with Kenaz is good for the digestive system. Isa and the Mannaz rune are excellent for accidents and wounds. In combination with Tyr, Isa is good for gout, rheumatism and associated diseases.


Uruz can be worn to bring ‘breathing space’ or a personal space and to bring something to an end.

Isa Drawn Upright


Standstill, stillness, frozen in time, inactivity, blockage, stagnation, potential, reflection, patience, withdrawal, rest, contemplation, affirmation, challenge, frustration, powerful inexorable forces, psychological blocks to thought or activity.

ISA is ‘Perfect Order.’

The Isa rune is the third rune in the second Aett, and the eleventh rune of twenty-four. It is an ‘elemental’ rune and can be considered ‘static’, although mysterious.

Isa represents perfect order and the lack of chaotic elements. Isa, in relation to ‘ice’, shows its ability to give what appears to be permanence to all things and is believed to be very powerful. Ice represents being ‘frozen’ in time or place.

In Ancient times, ice was a constant factor in the day to day lives of the Norse. It threatened their crops, their ships and their livelihoods, almost throughout the entire year. To the people though, it also served as a symbol of creation from which all life eventually springs forth.

The Norse understood the need to have such a seemingly destructive element in order to create and maintain life. In opposition to ‘ice’ is ‘fire’.

The Norse predated Einstein with their version of the creation theory of the Universe, recognising that everything in their world contained both fire and ice – energy and matter, male and female; and that the relationship between the two defined the processes of life itself.

Ice can be considered ‘static’, although it is a mysterious substance. Ice can bring things to a halt, or place something in suspension. Ice can also be an expansive force, or one that crushes anything caught in its grasp. Ice can provide a bridge over dark water, or be a dangerous and treacherous trap. It has both the powers of control and of constraint. Either way, it is to be used cautiously. In its melted form, it brings water, nourishment and life.

Isa is a reinforcing rune underlying those around it. It tells of challenging frustrations, creativity is being blocked by psychological forces, and that this time of standstill is a time to look inwards and wait for clarity to appear.

The Isa rune primarily represents a period of rest before activity, and shows the bringing of things to a halt or to place something in suspension.

When the Isa rune is in play or drawn in a reading, things may appear to be at a standstill, or plans have come to an abrupt halt. You may feel that you are engulfed or powerless in current situations and are unable to do anything but go with the flow and submit. You may even feel compelled to sacrifice a goal or desire.

The Isa rune is showing you that it is not the right time to try to force movement or change, as to do so will bring more frustrations and obstacles. Patience is called for because you will have to wait until the timing is more auspicious and for things to change externally, before you can proceed and succeed.

Wisdom is also required, as you will need to decide how best to use you’re waiting time.

When drawn in a reading, the Isa rune may be showing you that you are in a place of stagnation. You may feel empty, exhausted or emotionally drained at this time and wonder why. Much of this has to do with forces beyond your control, but also, it is a message for you to shed and release old habits and cleanse away negativity. The seed of the new is present, but in hibernation, within the shell of the old. Have faith that your aspirations will come to fruition in their right time.

Isa also tells us that this is not the time to be abandoning dreams and aspirations. In fact, it is the perfect opportunity to re-affirm and re-establish plans and goals. It is a time for contemplation and preparation, rather than depression and regrets.

When the Isa rune is drawn it is telling you that it is a time to turn inward and wait patiently for what is to come, or to seek further clarity before proceeding with plans. Rest assured that things will change, when the timing is right.

It is important to note that the Isa rune reinforces the messages of the other runes drawn around it in a reading. Consideration must be taken of all runes and their messages when Isa is alongside them as their wisdom wants to be acknowledged and their messages heeded.

The Isa rune intensifies the meaning of any other run it is associated with.

Isa Drawn Reversed


Egomania, dullness, blindness, obstacles, psychological blocks to thought and action, coldness, loss of energy, and end, termination, death, dissipation, treachery, illusion, deceit, betrayal, guile, stealth, ambush, plots and schemes.

Isa cannot be reversed but can lie in opposition, showing that all of Isa’s attributes are magnified.

The Isa rune cannot be reversed, but can lay in opposition. When this occurs, it is a message to the seeker to watch their own actions carefully and modify them if required. It is also a warning to observe other’s actions and to keep a look out for traps and pitfalls.

Read, then re-read the ‘fine print’.

Merkstave, Isa presages treachery, deceit, double-crossing, manipulations and plotting of others.
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Почетен ветеран
Почетен ветеран

Female Capricorn Брой мнения : 2344
Join date : 03.09.2014
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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: общи значения на руните   общи значения на руните - Page 2 Icon_minitimeВто Фев 03 2015, 18:55


Jera in Career

(J or Y: A year, a good harvest.) The results of earlier efforts are realized. A
time of peace and happiness, fruitful season. It can break through stagnancy.
Hopes and expectations of peace and prosperity. The promise of success earned.
Life cycle, cyclical pattern of the universe. Everything changes, in its own
time. Jera Merkstave (Jera cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition):
Sudden setback, reversals. A major change, repetition, bad timing, poverty,

Jera in career: We often see someone has sudden good luck in his business or
career. It is by no means mere coincidence. This world is of balance. No matter
how lucky you are, the cause and result rule works. If you are in a career that
demands your efforts without much pay or compensation, do not worry, someday in
future, you WILL be rewarded in a surprising way! Those you have contributed
will come back to you in another form, which will help you to achieve your dream
or heart wishes in career.

Jera in General

(J or Y: A year, a good harvest.) The results of earlier efforts are realized. A
time of peace and happiness, fruitful season. It can break through stagnancy.
Hopes and expectations of peace and prosperity. The promise of success earned.
Life cycle, cyclical pattern of the universe. Everything changes, in its own
time. Jera Merkstave (Jera cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition):
Sudden setback, reversals. A major change, repetition, bad timing, poverty,

Jera in general – “Yehr-ah” – Literally: “Year” – Esoteric: Harvest
Rune of harvest and reward for, or reaction to, right actions in a horizontal
(naturally ordered) cyclical process. Rune of peace on the land and in the
heart, psychological time, patience, the measurement of time
Energy: good harvest, orbits, cycles, progress, biorhythms, right effort

Mundane: waiting, gardening, farming, the seasons, harvest

Divinations: Reward for positive action, plenty, peace, proper timing; or
repetition, bad timing, poverty, conflict, regression.

Fertility, creativity and harmony with the land
Peace, prosperity and plenty
Realization of the cyclical nature of the multiverse, invoking the power of
time and cycles
Bringing other concepts gently into material manifestation
Initiating gradual and lasting change in flow of life
It invites you to optimism, but nothing comes fast, since each happening has
its own cycle. Keep your trust and perseverance.

Jera in Love

(J or Y: A year, a good harvest.) The results of earlier efforts are realized. A
time of peace and happiness, fruitful season. It can break through stagnancy.
Hopes and expectations of peace and prosperity. The promise of success earned.
Life cycle, cyclical pattern of the universe. Everything changes, in its own
time. Jera Merkstave (Jera cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition):
Sudden setback, reversals. A major change, repetition, bad timing, poverty,

Jera in love reading is a reunion rune. When you pick Jera, it suggests a lost
love or past flame might well found you again to continue this love
relationship. You will be picked up where you were left. Things will turn out to
be a reward for those who keep waiting and remain hopeful. Like karma debts,
someone who owes you love will turn back to you and compensate you for all you
have spent on this love. It is a rune of karma. Although Ing also means
compensation and reward for gradual efforts, Jera is also a reward in form of

“Patience up to a point. Know your time, but work your wyrd always.”

Jera – “Yehr-ah” – Literally: “Year” – Esoteric: Harvest

Rune of harvest and reward for, or reaction to, right actions in a horizontal (naturally ordered) cyclical process. Rune of peace on the land and in the heart.

Psi: psychological time, patience, the measurement of time

Energy: good harvest, orbits, cycles, progress, biorhythms, right effort

Mundane: waiting, gardening, farming, the seasons, harvest

Divinations: Reward for positive action, plenty, peace, proper timing; or repetition, bad timing, poverty, conflict, regression.

Fertility, creativity and harmony with the land
Peace, prosperity and plenty
Realization of the cyclical nature of the multiverse, invoking the power of time and cycles
Bringing other concepts gently into material manifestation
Initiating gradual and lasting change in flow of life

My Notes:

The summer harvest was winter food, the seeds from the harvest became next summer’s crop. So while attentiveness to cultivation of the present moment is paramount, within the present moment lay the wisdom for future planning.

The cycle of the seasons is not so much associated with time, but the inflow and outflow of the land’s breath. The rhythms of sleep, dusk and dawn, the heartbeat, the breath, all these are keys into unlocking Jera’s subtle nature. Like Isa, Jera is has an unstoppable energy, gradual but unrelenting, unhurried but persistent, indifferent to human influence. Nature has a way of persistently marching on. Jera’s changes are not sudden or explosive, and cannot be forced. The key is making small, gradual changes every day, for the better. Taken alone these events may seem trivial, but they are cumulative and proceed forward with all the inevitability of earth’s journey around the sun.

Jera is a rune of patience and movement with the harmony with natural tides of life. Moving with such life rhythms brings abundance and plenty. The cyclical recurrences in the biosphere and of the astronomical procession spirals through time, and contains many more profound secrets than does our common involvement with linear time, calendar dates and the clock.

Jera has to do with right timing. Jera is in the maxim “This too shall pass”, the proverb, “As you sow, so shall you reap”, and in the modern adage, “time heals all wounds.” Using this rune is the key to understanding the mysteries of time and the psychological importance of dividing and managing time.  Deadlines bring out the best in us and motivate us to grow to levels beyond our present ability. It also moves us to strategically taking action when the time is right. Take advantage of the ups and coast through the downs.

Jera can magically speed things up or slow things down, and manipulation of subjective time in this manner is governed by this rune. In this rune we see the most stark western counter-point to the maxim ‘time is an illusion’. If a person sows no seeds, does no work, plants no goals and desire in his or her thoughts, Jera will bring about situations which reflect that lack. The ultimate consequences of past human action unfold into the future.

“Time and I Against Any Two.”

Elderfuthark Rune JERA


Alternative Names

Ger, Jer, Ar, Yer, Jara.

Key Phrase

‘This is a time of hard work,

and of reaping rewards for past efforts.’


Year, time, harvest, a season, life cycle.

Viking Rune Equivalent and Meaning

Harvest. Year.

Divinatory Meaning

Movement of Time, reaping rewards, harvest time.



Tarot Card Equivalent

The Hermit - 9 - IX

Corresponding Letter


Associated Colour

Light Blue

Associated Herb


Associated Gemstone


Associated Tree


Associated Myths and Deities

Sif, Thor, Granni. Sacred to Freya or Frey – the bountiful couple.

Manifestation Uses

To bring about change. Invokes forces for fertility and growth. To bring something to fruition or completion. Accelerates or decelerates a process.

Relationship Interpretation

Long term influences on each other.

Healing Colour and Qualities


Increases and strengthens the body’s vitality and is effective against negative energy. Excellent as a form of permanent healing over time and for use in the healing of the mind.


To be worn to encourage change and fertility.

Jera Drawn Upright


Rewards, year, harvest, realization, plenty, promise of success, an abundant time, thriving crops, summer, generosity, fertility, vitality, the sacred marriage between heaven and earth, good timing, right order, culmination, life cycles, prosperity, earned income, change, cycles turning, motion, productivity, development,

JERA is the ‘Movement of Time.’

The fifth rune of the second Aett is Jera. Jera represents the symbolism of the spiral pattern of time. It represents the forward movement of time, through our hopes, dreams and fears, aswell as backwards, through our memories. Jera represents the completion of a cycle, season or year or the eternal contrasts of opposites, which comprise a whole. The Jera rune is one of beneficial outcomes.

The ancient people of the Norse had close ties with the earth and it’s seasons. Their lives circled around the seasons as much as the seasons circle around the year. The changing seasons affected not only the weather, but the day to day survival of the Norse, dictating what they ate, where they lived and how they lived. The ancient people’s very existence depended upon adapting to change and living by the seasonal cycles. The Norse were accustomed to constant change and their object was to become attuned to the yearly cycles, rather than attempt to fight them. The Norse were aware that all in life runs in cycles.

The Jera rune often indicates a major turning point in your life. It is a time for transformations; of letting go of the old and making way for the new. Jera brings to our attention that there are greater achievements to be made in the future; but concepts, ideas and plans must first be drawn, in order to be followed to fruition.

The Jera Rune shows us that it is a time for reaping rewards from seeds sown in the past. It will bring with it a time of happiness and peace, and expectations of prosperity. It is a time of plenty; a time of joy and celebration. Jera indicates a time of new beginnings, new growth and the fruition of long-laid plans.

Jera lets us know that things are once again turning as they should.

Keep in mind though, that it is also a time for hard work, with no time for complacency. This time will not last forever, and you are advised to make the most of it. Remember, being patient is essential for the recognition of your own inner process, which in its own time and season, leads to growth and harvest within the self.

Jera says that a breakthrough of some sort will bring a period when things have become stagnant.

Drawing the Jera Rune in a reading can also indicate to the seeker that there may be a return of unfinished business, which needs to be completed and laid to rest, once and for all.

Jera Drawn Reversed


Jera cannot be reversed but can lie in opposition, indicating sudden setbacks, reversals, repetition, bad timing, poverty and/or conflict.

When the Jera rune lays in opposition, it is a message to stop procrastinating and to make concerted efforts for the future. With no effort there will be no rewards to reap.

Jera warns of unexpected reversal of fortune which may mean a major change in life and lifestyle. Conflicts become unavoidable, poverty beckons and timing goes awry.
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Почетен ветеран
Почетен ветеран

Female Capricorn Брой мнения : 2344
Join date : 03.09.2014
Age : 43
Местожителство : Чапръчане

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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: общи значения на руните   общи значения на руните - Page 2 Icon_minitimeВто Фев 03 2015, 19:22


Kenaz in Career

(K: Beacon or torch.) Vision, revelation, knowledge, creativity, inspiration,
technical ability. Vital fire of life, harnessed power, fire of transformation
and regeneration. Power to create your own reality, the power of light. Open to
new strength, energy, and power now. Passion, sexual love. Kenaz Reversed or
Merkstave: Disease, breakup, instability, lack of creativity. Nakedness,
exposure, loss of illusion and false hope.

Kenaz in career: A dynamic partnership in business or career is displayed here
when you draw Kennaz in career reading. Or it suggests that you are completely
in love with what you do in your career at this moment. Things will develop
smoothly in your career. Your thoughts, ideas, and plans will get approved or
sponsored by your business associates or supervisor. The prospect of your
current career is promising and it will show the best of you in front of others.
Keep your efforts, it is a joy to commit on what you truly love.

Kenaz in General

(K: Beacon or torch.) Vision, revelation, knowledge, creativity, inspiration,
technical ability. Vital fire of life, harnessed power, fire of transformation
and regeneration. Power to create your own reality, the power of light. Open to
new strength, energy, and power now. Passion, sexual love. Kenaz Reversed or
Merkstave: Disease, breakup, instability, lack of creativity. Nakedness,
exposure, loss of illusion and false hope.

Kenaz in general – Literally: “Torch” – Esoteric ‘Ken’ or Knowledge
Key Concepts: torch as a symbol of knowledge and intellect, illumination,
searching for enlightenment, shedding light on matters, quest for truth, skills
and abilities, creativity, art, craftsmanship, cunning, acquisition and
application of knowledge, occult female secrets, intuition, enthusiasm in
teaching/learning, study, kin-fire, opportunity, playfulness

Energy: Controlled energy, transformation (pheonix fire), teaching/learning
dynamic, illumination

Divinations: Artistic or technical ability, craft, transformation, offspring,
new information; or disease, decay, breakup, inability, lack of creativity,
ignorance, arrogance, elitism, over-conceptualization

Illumination (torchlight) when exploring transpersonal pathways
Creative inspiration, enthusiasm for learning
Exploration of paradigms in the search for truth
Exposing the hidden to gain new knowledge, esp. through study, reflection and
new information
Strengthening of abilities in all realms
Female occult secrets
The light within, the observer

This is the RUNE of fire. It means the end of darkness in your life. Your
passion and sensuality may be a sign of a coming marriage. Inverted: love or
friendship will die so, be ready for a moment of change.

Kenaz in Love

(K: Beacon or torch.) Vision, revelation, knowledge, creativity, inspiration,
technical ability. Vital fire of life, harnessed power, fire of transformation
and regeneration. Power to create your own reality, the power of light. Open to
new strength, energy, and power now. Passion, sexual love. Kenaz Reversed or
Merkstave: Disease, breakup, instability, lack of creativity. Nakedness,
exposure, loss of illusion and false hope.

Kenaz in love sees passionate love affairs in your reading. Like fire, the
feelings are so intensive that it reaches the pinnacle. It is an open and bright
love. The warmth of love flame will lighten up the surrounding people who share
the bliss and happiness of this love. There is a caution here that too much heat
might destroy the sanity that one have to possess no matter how appealing is the
love. Whether you are woman or man, be prepared to receive love.

“The student surpasses the teacher.”

Kenaz – Literally: “Torch” – Esoteric ‘Ken’ or Knowledge

Key Concepts: torch as a symbol of knowledge and intellect, illumination, searching for enlightenment, shedding light on matters, quest for truth, skills and abilities, creativity, art, craftsmanship, cunning, acquisition and application of knowledge, occult female secrets, intuition, enthusiasm in teaching/learning, study, kin-fire, opportunity, playfulness

Psi: observation, clarity of thought, cognitive faculties, humility

Energy: Controlled energy, transformation (pheonix fire), teaching/learning dynamic, illumination

Mundane: art, technique, improvement of skills, school, the stars

Divinations: Artistic or technical ability, craft, transformation, offspring, new information; or disease, decay, breakup, inability, lack of creativity, ignorance, arrogance, elitism, over-conceptualization

Illumination (torchlight) when exploring transpersonal pathways
Creative inspiration, enthusiasm for learning
Exploration of paradigms in the search for truth
Exposing the hidden to gain new knowledge, esp. through study, reflection and new information
Strengthening of abilities in all realms
Female occult secrets
The light within, the observer

My Notes:

Kenaz is the symbolizes the control and harnessing of fire for warmth and illumination. It represents our having harnessed forces and energies greater than ourselves. Where THURISAZ is the creation of tools, the rune meaning of Kenaz speaks to their skillful use. It signifies the mystery of transformation and our power to create as nature does.

Ancestrally, we each must carry our own torch, creating a path of light that flows through the darkness. These torches are never extinguished, and can be used as signposts in the navigation of the ancestral stream, and to acquire the knowledge and tools from our ancestry represented within ANSUZ that are rightfully ours to use in the present lifetime.

The scientific method and art as an exploration of truth exemplifies Kenaz, as do all fearless forays into the darkness of the unknown (represented by PERTHRO) in search of illumination. Also consider that there is inborn and hereditary knowledge, and that one of the cognitive faculties governed by Kenaz is intuition.

Kenaz is like a torchlit library, and the energy is clearly filled with unlimited potential to learn and to map. Sometimes a good deal of digging around is necessary to uncover the knowledge that will help. Do not forget that the map is not the territory, as Kenaz represents the acquisition of knowledge, not the knowledge itself. Not truth, but the search for truth.

In matters of learning, which can be complemented by the protective teaching force of ALGIZ, it is wise to remember that humility is the prime requirement of a good student, and that no one learns more than the teacher. Therefore arrogance, elitism and authoritarianism signify a disconnect with the principles of Kenaz. Information wants to be free!

Elderfurthark Rune KENAZ


Alternative Names

Ken; Kano; Kaunaz; Kanaz, Kaon, Cen.

Key Phrase

‘Enlightenment needs to be tempered with wisdom

before its true worth and power can be known’.


Wisdom, insight, a solution to a problem, creativity, inspiration, knowledge, guidance, intuition, a beacon or torch, light, regeneration, fire.

Viking Rune Equivalent and Meaning

Opening. A torch.



Tarot Equivalent

The World

Divinatory Meaning


Corresponding Letter


Associated Colour

Light Red

Associated Herb


Associated Gemstone


Associated Tree


Associated Myths and Deities

Mimir; the Dwarfs; Muspellheim; the goddess Nerthus and sacred to Heimdall – the underworld watcher.

Manifestation Uses

For creative inspiration; aid in study; fertility; dispelling fear; anxiety, fear of the dark and darkness in general; gives inspiration and intuition in the same instance; raises knowledge and brings the mind, body and spirit into a higher power.

Relationship Interpretation

Learning from each other; recognising and understanding one another; opening up with pure truth and honesty.

Healing Colour and Qualities


Helps with anxiety attacks; regenerates and heals.


Worn as a talisman, Kenaz dispels anxiety and fear and can be used for inspiration and creativity.

Kenaz Drawn Upright


Vision, revelation, knowledge, creativity, inspiration, renewed clarity, guidance, concentration, technical ability, physical ability, ‘fire of life’, harnessed power, illumination, light in the darkness, torch, regeneration and transformation, inner wisdom, inner voice, inner strength and energy, passion and sexual love.

Kenaz Drawn Reversed


Disease, dis-ease, danger to health, fever, ulcer, abscess, mental and/or physical discomfort, burning, break-up or break-down, instability, lack of creativity or inspiration, stagnation, exposure, illusion, lack of focus, false hope.

KENAZ is the ‘effect of your experience’.

The Kenaz rune is the sixth rune of the first aett. Unlike the wisdom gained in Thurisaz, Kenaz allows us to take pieces of this knowledge with us, as we need it. This knowledge often comes to us in the form of a sudden idea or inspiration, and we are able to see clearly, or figure out, the answer that was once hidden from us.

At times, a simple answer may come when you least expect it. This is Kenaz.

In today’s English, Scottish and German languages, ‘ken’ and ‘kennan’ means to ‘know’ or ‘understand’, and it is in this sense that the Kenaz rune can be interpreted. Light, inspiration and knowledge are often associated with this rune, as in ‘shedding light on a problem’, or ‘ gaining enlightenment’. It is also associated with ‘kin’, as in ‘kith and kin’, who gather around the hearth.

The Kenaz rune is often associated with ‘femininity’, or the ‘female intuition.’ This form of wisdom is often associated with right brain function rather than left brain function, since it does not come through conscious effort, but intuitively, or passively, by opening one’s self to it. For this reason, the Kenaz rune often represents the feminine aspect or the part of the senses that is open to ‘messages’ and unprovoked visions and answers. This is often referred to as ‘a woman’s intuition’ although men have the same abilities, but are more centred in left-brain mentality.

Drawing the Kenaz rune in a reading indicates that you are coming into a new understanding of life and it’s meaning. New insights await you, but it is not a time for complacency. This new understanding must be used constructively; otherwise it will be worthless to you.

Kenaz tells you to always look for ways in which you can use you insights for the good of others.

The Kenaz rune when drawn in a reading, can also indicate the coming together of the strands of the Web of Wyrd, showing new beginnings via the letting go of the old.

The Kenaz rune also comes to represent the sacred fires of sexual generation. Consider the image of a person carrying a torch, representing the masculine elements of fire and air, entering the cave and penetrating the feminine realm of earth and water. This joining of masculine and feminine elements results in the creation of the new; new ideas, new beginnings, new concepts etc.

In physical terms, this can be correlated to the application of fire to mould and shape matter. The Kenaz rune is directed synthesis brought about by fire energy, tempered with thought. This is symbolic of the forging of steel, being shaped, moulded, then tempered with water to create form.

Kenaz is the flame of transformation and regeneration. It is the flame of the forge, the volcano and deep earth energies. It is the controlled flame of the artist and craftsman. It holds the power to create or destroy. It is the primal force of creation. In Norse and other mythologies, it is the fire and ice that produce the life force.

The act of bringing ‘light’ into ‘darkness’ is a creative one. It indicates knowledge passed on and can also ‘light the way’ for others or for personal, inner explorations.

Kenaz promises that light will be cast into the dark places, bringing regeneration in its glow. It promises the ability to create new realities that bring with them hope and invigorating strength.

The biggest and loudest message of Kenaz is ‘What goes around, comes around.’

Remember, experience is what we get when we don’t get what we want.

Experience is also gained by getting what we want. Kenaz is that experience.

Kenaz Reversed

Kenaz, reversed, stifles creativity and says that illness and negative influences – disillusion, hopelessness, mendacity and despair – will cloud life in the immediate future.

Drawing the Kenaz rune merkstave indicates that you can expect a darkening of the light in some situations or relationships. Friendships may fall apart and die off, marriages may suffer upset or break-up or some aspects of the issues or personalities are no longer appropriate.

This rune tells you to notice your actions, learn from them, then step forward to new opportunities.

Listen and learn from what is going on around you at the moment. Take stock of where everything in your life stands. Do not miss out on learning because you are too busy with mundane life issues. Look within and you will find new opportunities. Do not allow yourself to wallow in your woes.

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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: общи значения на руните   общи значения на руните - Page 2 Icon_minitimeВто Фев 03 2015, 19:31


Laguz in Career

(L: Water, or a leek.) Flow, water, sea, a fertility source, the healing power
of renewal. Life energy and organic growth. Imagination and psychic matters.
Dreams, fantasies, mysteries, the unknown, the hidden, the deep, the underworld.
Success in travel or acquisition, but with the possibility of loss. Laguz
Reversed or Merkstave: An indication of a period of confusion in your life. You
may be making wrong decisions and poor judgements. Lack of creativity and
feelings of being in a rut. Fear, circular motion, avoidance, withering.
Madness, obsession, despair, perversity, sickness, suicide.

Laguz in career suggests you to keep going by following your heart in the matter
of career. Let your ideas, imaginations, and thoughts, fantasies play together
to draw the picture in your heart. As there are no boundaries in the kingdom of
imagination, Laguz encourages you to set your imagination free about your
career. What you can dream, you can make it! Meanwhile, you are better off by
heeding on your intuition as well. Intuition is a different thing from
imagination. There is no why or how in term of intuition. It just gives you a
feeling of right or wrong. By combining intuition with imagination, Laguz’s
power will be in full swing on your road to your dream career.

Laguz in General

Water is the symbol of unconscious and invisible Life forces. All of life is
dependent on water, and therefore Laguz represents the universal ocean, the
supreme unity of all life: past, present and future. The ability to see
clairvoyantly and into the future are psychic talents associated with Laguz, as
is protection from physical and psychic poisons.
The rune can be used in establishing a communications link from your conscious
mind, under willful intent, to the unconscious mind of another. Caution and much
wisdom must be exercised in such subtle manipulations.

Laguz in Love

(L: Water, or a leek.) Flow, water, sea, a fertility source, the healing power
of renewal. Life energy and organic growth. Imagination and psychic matters.
Dreams, fantasies, mysteries, the unknown, the hidden, the deep, the underworld.
Success in travel or acquisition, but with the possibility of loss. Laguz
Reversed or Merkstave: An indication of a period of confusion in your life. You
may be making wrong decisions and poor judgements. Lack of creativity and
feelings of being in a rut. Fear, circular motion, avoidance, withering.
Madness, obsession, despair, perversity, sickness, suicide.

Laguz in love reading: Pay attention to your gut feelings and intuition or your
dream when you see Laguz in love reading. Something has to be revealed by sixth
sense that is not spoken in words. As Laguz symbolizes water in your life, it is
the very essence of divine revelation. To feel intuition, you need to relax and
forget logic for a moment. If the intuition is rather vague, try to meditate by
sitting still. That will help open your eyes in the sixth sense and see what you
need to see in your dream. Laguz can also portend an inevitable return of lost
lover as tidings of water.

“Our future selves call us from infinite pasts, and each night are eroded with our dreams.”

Laguz - “Log-uhz” – Literally: “Water” or Ocean – Esoteric: Unconscious, Collective Memory

Rune of the unconscious context of becoming or the evolutionary process. Rune of Life’s longing for itself.

Psi: emotion, psychic powers, unconscious mental processes, love, dreaming

Energy: life energy, ocean spirit, origins of life, collective unconscious, the astral plane, love as unity, evolution

Mundane: water, imagination, occultism, dreams

Divinations: Life, passing a test, sea of vitality and of the unconscious growth, memory, dreams; or fear, circular motion, avoidance, withering, depression, manipulations, emotional blackmail, lack of moral fiber, fantasy, poison, toxicity


Transpersonal powers
Mastery of emotion in order to shape wyrd
Guidance through difficult initiatory tests, ie. initiation into life
Increase in vitality and life force
Communication between your conscious mind to another’s unconscious mind
Development of ‘second sight’ or prophetic wisdom
All powers of dreaming (lucid dreams, astral projection)

My Notes:

Water is the symbol of unconscious and invisible Life forces. All of life is dependent on water, and therefore Laguz represents the universal ocean, the supreme unity of all life: past, present and future. The dream state and the Jungian “shadow” element both linger beneath its surface, and the human unconscious is revealed when explored and exposed to the conscious mind. We ‘take the plunge’. To the runic initiate the unconscious forces are controlled for good use through mastery of runic skills. Still, the initiate understands the potency of the unconscious sea to break loose from its control and is ever watchful.

The substance of Laguz is everywhere present, pervades all things and underlies all manifestation. It is the living energy out of which everything is made. It sustains and enriches any idea that is projected into it. The ability to see clairvoyantly and into the future are psychic talents associated with Laguz, as is protection from physical and psychic poisons.

The rune can be used in establishing a communications link from your conscious mind, under willful intent, to the unconscious mind of another. Caution and much wisdom must be exercised in such subtle manipulations.

Water is a psychically chargeable medium, and this includes all vital liquids such as blood and spittle. These are the fluids that carry your Life Force and act as a bonding medium for many, if not all, of your psycho-spiritual constructs.

Elderfuthark Rune LAGUZ


Alternative Names

Lagu; Lagus; Logr; Lagaz.

Key Phrase

‘Still waters run deep.’


Creation; water; emotions; the Leek plant.

Viking Rune Equivalent

Flow. Water. A fertility source.

Divinatory Meaning

Emotions; spiritual counselling.


The Wellsprings of Life

Tarot Card Equivalent

Ace of any suit.

Ace of Cups = Joy

Ace of Swords = Creative Power

Ace of Pentacles = Promotion

Ace of Wands = Difficult beginnings

Corresponding Letter


Associated Colour

Deep Green

Associated Herb


Associated Gemstone


Associated Tree


Associated Myths and Deities

Sacred to Njord – god of the wealth of the Sea, Midgard Serpent, The Aegir (the gods and goddesses of the sea)

Manifestation Uses

To enhance psychic ability and to uncover hidden things.

Relationship Interpretation

Emotions, affections and flexibility within a partnership or relationship.

Healing Colour and Qualities


Helps with dealing with nightmares.

Helps with dealing with psychic blocks.

Combine with the Nauthiz rune for infections and skin diseases.


Laguz enhances psychic abilities and helps those who wear or carry it face up their fears. It stabilizes emotional disorders and helps uncover what is hidden.

Laguz Drawn Upright


Water, ebb and flow of the tides, fluidity, all that flows and changes, lake, sea, creek, river, stream, wave, waterfall, a means of travel, success in travel and acquisition – but with the possibility of loss, emotions, fears, the subconscious mind, hidden things, secrets, revelation, intuition, counselling, guidance, a fertility source, renewal, healing powers, growth, expansion, life force or energy, organic growth, imagination, intuition, mystery, dreams, fantasy, mysteries, the unknown, the bud of new growth pushing through soil, cleansing.

LAGUZ is ‘the Subconscious’.

The Laguz rune is the twenty-first of twenty-four and is the fifth of the third and final Aett. Laguz represents water in all its forms. Water is an essential ingredient to life. All living creatures rely on it to survive. Water is associated with emotions of all kinds, but predominantly with healing, peacefulness, love, compassion, intuition and forgiveness.

To the ancient Norse, water of all kinds including the ocean, lakes, streams and rivers were considered a source of wealth and fertility. The Aegir, the gods and goddesses of the sea in Norse mythology, both gave and took life and offered fertility and wealth.

The sea is an unpredictable place and home of the Midgard Serpent who led many sailors to their death. Laguz, therefore, comes to represent both the lightness and healing effects of water, as well as the darker sides of the element of water.

Laguz speaks to our primal fears of the dark, the cold, and all those terrifying things hidden deep within our subconscious minds.

Laguz represents the ebb and flow of life. As water, it seeks its own level, taking the path of least resistance or at other times, sinking into the earth to rise again in a different place.

Laguz represents the Well of Wyrd (the well by which the Norn Sisters nourish Yggdrasil) as it holds all the secrets of the unconscious mind and that which is in within each of us.

It also represents the collective or Universal knowledge and wisdom.

Laguz represents psychic abilities and gives one a deeper understanding of the self. Everything that has ever been created or thought of, stems from our subconscious minds. Within each of us lie all the answers to every question.

Lagus is a rune of the sea, of water’s ebb and flow and of the healing power of renewal. It emphasises imagination and psychic matters, as well as dreams and fantasies and the mysteries of the unknown.

Laguz makes us examine the underlying roots of our personality and behaviour and allows us to modify those aspects which are hindering our spiritual development, and our lives in general. The understanding and wisdom learnt prepares us to face our darker side and acknowledge and accept it as an integral part of ourselves.

Laguz also prepares the person to take on the task of helping others through this self-examination process, allowing one to empathise more strongly and share their own experiences. This makes the Laguz rune the rune of the ‘spiritual counsellor’.

The message of Laguz is to embrace change as it is the only constant in life.

Drawing Laguz in a reading encourages you to immerse yourself in the experience of living, without having to evaluate or understand. It is often a message to the inquirer or seeker that it is time for cleansing,

re-evaluating, re-organising and realigning for both body and soul.

Success is within your reach and will come to you with the use of your intuition and wisdom combined.

Laguz Drawn Reversed


Confusion, poor judgement, poor decision-making, lack of creativity, fear, avoidance, madness, obsession, risk, despair, perversity, sickness, suicide.

Drawing the Laguz rune reversed tells of one who must learn to go with the flow. There is a need to initiate some sort of movement or change into many areas of your life. Things are stale and stagnant at present.

It also may imply that you have made poor decisions or find yourself in a place or situation that you are not comfortable with. It is an indication that you are experiencing a period of confusion in your life. Negative emotions abound and it is up to you to sort through them to find your truth, then take steps to rectify both your behaviour and the issue at hand.

Reversed, Laguz is an indication of a period of confusion and wrong decisions being made through lack of proper judgement. It tells of a lack of creativity, or they are fearful that they are stuck in a rut. Laguz reversed can presage madness, insanity, obsession and being cast into such deep despair that unspeakable thoughts may come to mind.

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